GTR2 1975 F1 mod?

Has a proper version of a 1975 F1 mod ever been released for GTR2? I've tried a 3 part download I found on the web and it's structure is scrambled to say the least, and it CTD's every time I try to load it. I've installed the F1 Seven 1975 demo and while it runs and looks good, I can't complete a lap in it because of the odd physics. Is there a happy compromise or a working version out there somewhere?
I was able to find a 75 F1 mod that works nicely. However, I am intrigued by your post. Is there any sort of tutorial to explain how to convert a mod from GTL to GTR2? What about converting cars or cockpits across platforms from GT Legends to GTR2? For instance I have a mod for GTR2 that is missing cockpits for a few cars. However, I have a similar mod installed in GT Legends that includes those same cockpits, and I would like to import those into the same cars in GTR2. Is this possible?
To convert GTL to GTR2 -
A typical car file has several components_ a BIK file, a CAR file and some TEX.gtl files. First, change all the TEX.gtl files to GTR files by renaming them. If the file says cockpit_TEX.gtl rename it cockpit_TEX.gtr. Do this for any texture file in the cars folder. Next change these lines in the CAS folder for the car: All of the MASFILES with GTL suffixes to gtr suffixes (MASFILE=MAZDA_RX7_OBJ.GTL to MASFILE=MAZDA_RX7_OBJ.GTR). Rename all the files that end in GTL to GTR. Then, make sure you include in the car file the class that you are going to put the car in (in GTL it will be something like Classes " SIM_FULL" in GTR it would be Classes" FULL"). Make sure you copy the STEX.GTL and Talent.GTL files over to the Vehicles file. Usually that is all it takes. Sometimes there are other files you have to look for like tyre files. Copy the sound files from the SOUNDS folder in GTL and paste in the GTR sounds file.

This one I converted from GTR to GTL (it is the Cheeta file)to change from GTL to GTR do the same:
Car file has these lines:
64008_cheeta_GT_327 CAR File (in this file is the Classes line)
64008_cheeta_GT_327_graph JPEG image
64008_cheeta_GT_327_graph Text Document
64008_TEX.GTL GTL file (change this to 64008_TEX.GTR)

Next the CAS file:

MASFILE=STEX.GTL - copy folder as is into GTR vehicle file
MASFILE=TALENT.GTL - copy folder as is into GTR vehicle folder

Check the MASFILES to make sure you have captured all of them, some times there is a MASFILE=Drivers_67.GTL or something like that. if so just copy the file as is into the vehicle folder.

Change the Classes "SIM_Full" to "FULL" or whatever your class is.

Try this one car at a time and open the game to make sure the car shows up in the showroom. If it doesn't, you've missed a file somewhere.

Good Luck. Let me know how you do!
Lol, I posted that. I found it earlier, and it's a excellent version of the 75 F1 mod.

What I am actually wanting to do is convert some cars from a GT Legends 1967 Can Am Mod into the GTR2 Absolute Can Am mod. Specifically the McLarens from the '67 season. Those early McLarens in the Absolute Can Am mod don't have functioning cockpits, the ones in the GT Legends 67 Can Am mod do. I understand the Absolute Can Am mod has some updates in the pipeline, but there are no release dates for it, and the creators of that mod are focusing on Absolute LeMans now, so if I can get this little conversion to work, it will hold me over until hopefully a update gets released.

In my opinion the Absolute Can Am mod is a gem, if they ever release the updated version giving all the cars cockpits and updating the skins, it will be a classic!
"MASFILE=STEX.GTL - copy folder as is into GTR vehicle file
MASFILE=TALENT.GTL - copy folder as is into GTR vehicle folder"
Is this correct? Seems confusing.
Never mind! Got it!
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