Hamilton Struggling for an Explanation

Rosberg didn't seem affected by it at least. Drove an excellent race in my opinion.

Had one major setback halfway but finished very good.

Hamilton disappointed greatly as he lost way too many positions yesterday.
my worry is that Lotus will be set back ,now that their "tyre managing skills" wont be an advantage ,once the new Pirelli will be used

its a real competition killer to change the rules during the championship
and the real skillful drivers that can save rubber to win ,are punished this way.
For me it looks like a prove that Lewis can simply drive fast but Rosberg has bigger abilities to react to the car more sensible and give the required inputs.

I remember a radio call from the pits to Lewis telling him how Nico safes his tyres by one major lift in a special corner (I think turn 3 or 4?)to get more out of them at the rest of the track. So in my opinion Nico should be rated higher than Lewis.
Rosberg finally gets some recognition this season that he is a top quality driver.

When he outpaced MSC a full season it was of Schumacher being old. Now he does the same with a much younger Lewis.

He is truly one of F1's most underestimated drivers and I am happy that more people finally see his potential.
Rosberg is a very good and smart driver...BUT... to say he has better ability to react to the car than Lewis simply because he didn't slide as far back this race, is not a complete assessment.
Remember, Rosberg has been driving that car for quite a bit longer than Lewis. While changed a bit from last years car, the fundamental characteristics remain the same. Rosberg would have had much more time to somewhat find a few ways to manage tire deg...though not overall. Lewis is just now coming to grips with the car's characteristics.
Rosberg finally gets some recognition this season that he is a top quality driver.

When he outpaced MSC a full season it was of Schumacher being old. Now he does the same with a much younger Lewis.

He is truly one of F1's most underestimated drivers and I am happy that more people finally see his potential.
He really is. I always considered him the same level as all the greats.

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