So I brought a handbrake but they sent me a real hydraulic handbrake with master cylinder not with USB hall sensor so I'm looking to covert does anyone have such a handbrake and could look at what there is so I can try source the parts to convert
Do you have a Pic of the handbrake?
There are three possibilities.
1. Hydraulic:
You need brake lines, a slave cylinder (pretty expensive) for the feedback via rubber springs. A pressure transducer between master and slave cylinder that you make work with a arduino micro or a teensy as microcontroller.
Never done it... so no experience. But I think it's manageable.
2. Loadcell:
You need a loadcell (a pretty firm one because of the lever ratios of the handbrake 100Kg and upwards). 1 HX711 amplifier board. A arduino micro or a teensy as microcontroller. Rubber springs of some sort for feedback mounted between main rod and Loadcell.
Built my own Loadcell pedals, so done that before (more or less).
3. Potentiometer or hall effect sensor:
Easiest/cheapest way. You just put rubber springs between lever and housing that compress when pulling the lever for a good lever feel.
You use a small linear potentiometer f. e. to sense the movement of the main rod.
And, of course a arduino micro or teensy as a microcontroller.
One downside to this is, that you just messure the main rod travel. The more you pull the higher the forces get and the smaller the displacement is. This gives you less precision under load. So I'm not sure if it is accurate enough.
A Loadcell or pressure transducer measure load or pressure. Even without more travel you still sense the "load". So the signal is still precise.
Your decision.
Cheers Dan