Hard drive

Hey, Jim if you install rf2 in any directory other than the "program files": it will put the rf2 settings folder in the root directory of the install. Putitng everything in one place.Just a tip
Jip, i did the same. Makes more sense to me. :) Everything is in D:/rFactor2


If you installed the core in "program files" and the Data in your documents folder. (this is by default)
You can have multiple installs/different Core builds using 1 and the same Data folder.

It all comes down to preference.
So I'm ok to leave it in my documents then, not quite sure I understood you both
I never install my "games" to the "Program Files" folder (default to most all installations - games and otherwise), Windows protects that folder which "can" cause issues - and that's why ISI defaults to putting the rF2 "data" folder in your documents folder. You surely don't want to move the "data" folder in to Program Files.
I have rF2 on my secondary disk - "D:\rFactor2\" and "D:\rFactor2_Data\".