Paul Jeffrey
Saturday, the weekend is fresh, motorsport is on telly and it's still a week away until the Grand Prix. Sounds like a good time for another 'Have Your Say' article right? We though so too..
Rumour has it that other games not involving racing virtual cars exist. This isn't my own personal understanding of the situation but my sources are usually reliable so I'm going to run with it for now..
If (heaven forbid) you have a few minutes spare not taken up with the hassle of work and real life commitments, or you find yourself in between RD club races and don't fancy challenging the AI, do you play other non motorsport related games on your PC / console / tablet or phone?
Yes I know its blasphemy admitting games not centred around sim racing exist, but they do, and people play them too.
So what I want to ask you our dear readers is this:
When not sim racing, what other games do you enjoy playing, on what platform and why?
I appreciate this isn't the usual kind of 'have your say' feature, but still I thought it might be interesting to find out what you all do away from the wonderful world of simulation motorsports!
Let us know your response in the comments and 'Have Your Say' (Ha! See what I did there)
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