hicky submitted a new resource:
HAYOSIKO PICKUP - This mod will change the famous HAYOSIKO into a HAYOSIKO with wooden body, pickup style.
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HAYOSIKO PICKUP - This mod will change the famous HAYOSIKO into a HAYOSIKO with wooden body, pickup style.
This mod will change the famous HAYOSIKO into a HAYOSIKO with wooden body, pickup style. so you can carry anything more easily
Any bug report in the comments below
INSTALLATION: Once you have downloaded the mod extract the file named sharedassets3.assets and paste it into the mysummercar_Data folder of your My Summer Car. Any questions call me on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTnrJgLJ09yQZ9OjZTRQXGQ?view_as=subscriber or in the discord group:...
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