I'm running 3x 1440p (7680x1440) in 3D (Nvidia 3D Vision). If 8192*512 is too demanding, I'll try lower ones (7168*448, 6144*384, 5120*320, etc.).
Now that I have the correct image file, I should be able to easily figure out how to resize it using a simple program (eg. Microsoft Pain) or an online image converter tool.
Do any of you guys know any HD skies? I have 3 different packs but, while better than the vanilla RF1 skies, they still look quite low res and everything looks too big. I think it's because I play in 1440p. It's strange that the skies do not scale in resolution, everything else does (vehicle, circuit, objects, buildings, etc.). A perfect example is the night time sky, the stars look like very large squares instead of small circles.