HDV Mismatch Automobilista V10

Hello Guys,

im having big issues joining our league server. Every time i try to join, he says that im having hdv mismatches. All guys of our league have the same problem. Here is a screenshot of it:


We have no idea of what causes this problem, since it is known that AMS does not have a hdv being responsable for mismatches.

Do you have some ideas or solutions? Anybody else have this kind of problem?
happened to me too .. it was 10 seconds after update so I though server was not updated and my client was .. didn`t checked it latter .. MR18 joined fine on RD server though..
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We also have in our league HDV problems but in the Formula Extreme. And the error is not due to lack of updating both the client and the server.
The problem is that Reiza Studios is your last actulizacion, blocking the mod Extreme.
I want questions several things:

Why the Automobilista no longer goes on Steam to sell?

If I update my dedicated server and Automobilista on my computer, it has to give a ruling HDV?

Siceramente I think they are not hiding something. And it is not logical that a person has purchased Automobilista 32 Euros, for two diías, and now stop working at 100x100.
And this does not seem nothing nothing serious ..
We also have in our league HDV problems but in the Formula Extreme. And the error is not due to lack of updating both the client and the server.
The problem is that Reiza Studios is your last actulizacion, blocking the mod Extreme.
I want questions several things:

Why the Automobilista no longer goes on Steam to sell?

If I update my dedicated server and Automobilista on my computer, it has to give a ruling HDV?

I sincerely believe that they are not hiding something. And it is not logical that a person has purchased Automobilista 32 Euros, for two diías, and now stop working at 100x100.
And this does not seem nothing nothing serious ..
I have just added a new server called Race Department AU #2 which is running the formula extreme if someone wants to test if they get a HDV mismatch?
It works, i had no mismatch. So it is the closest idea, to reinstall our server with all updates again, right? Could be the only solution to this mess.
all I did was login to my server connect to my steam account and update game. easy

EDIT: I take it all back I just arrived home and tried it and I get a mismatch on my RD server for the formula extreme so that's weird that you could connect?