General Head reflexion in mirrors ( t-cam formula camera )

Hi everyone, just a newbie question, i have seen in a lots of fan made videos, the possibility to have head reflexion in mirrors in tcam camera for example in sf15-t car....what is the tip to make it myself,
i don't know the.ini to modity it !?
thank's for any help !
yeah exactly that ! thank's for your response,
you sure with this ? if i modify mirror's angle maybe it's possible to match with driver's head reflexion...
i play on tcam exclusively, and the ground reflexion on mirrors is so bad :)
Mirrors cannot be adjusted and do not reflect the driver and the car. So in now way, apart from capturing video footage and editing it in the mirror, it's possible :(

That ground reflection is semi-realistic, by the way. The mirror reflection you see in games like F1 is so wrong.. from that angle you will never see the road behind you.