Help me modify this app

I'm trying to modify the Clock app, which displays the real world time. I want to display just the time, but the app insists in displaying the word "Clock", as well as a semitransparent black square as background (even when the .png is completelly transparent.). The only things I've been able to do is to change the font size, move the position of the text, and get rid of the AC icon.

import ac
import acsys
import math
from datetime import *


def acMain(ac_version):
global l_lapcount
appWindow = ac.newApp("Clock")
ac.setSize(appWindow, 200, 75)
ac.setIconPosition(appWindow, -10000, 0)
ac.setBackgroundTexture(appWindow, "apps/python/hourApp/img/background_off.png")
l_lapcount = ac.addLabel(appWindow, str("%H:%M")));
ac.setFontAlignment(l_lapcount, 'center')
ac.setPosition(l_lapcount, 0, 15)
return "Clock"

def acUpdate(deltaT):
global l_lapcount
window = 0
ac.setText(l_lapcount, "{}".format(str("%H:%M"))))