General Help me to remember fictional mod track from rFactor

Sorry for possibly dumb thread, but there were one extremely extreme amazing fictional track mod once made for rFactor. I have been trying to remember it for a while, searching for it, and i'm starting to really waste time on that, and with no luck.

So. It was like that.

It was build around some existing city of Spain if I recal it corectly. Mega fast, with some slower bits. Had great elevations. Length was similar to Nordschleife, I think. It certainly was a long track. In the middle of the track you had to drive through the city, I think, also there was a castle, I think.

maybe I should have asked it in rF forums, but maybe you guys will know it too.

Thank you. It would be awesome to have it in AC though.
Thanks for this, it was great track too, very well made, but no it is other track.

That track was much longer, it tokk something like 6-8minutes to lap.
Shame on me ! I started a thread, when I could just launched my ancient PC, which was totally forgotten somewhere in the house :/ It took ages for it to load, but it worked out and now I finaly know what was that track.

The track was "Alcazaba Speed Ring", and indeed it is a speedring, it is very highspeed, and with an amazing flow. Quite unique:

I think that track is genius. Among the best fictional tracks IMO - Luccaring, Essington park, The Highlands, Machwerk...