Help with Bodnar Adapters

Hi guys, I just bought a used Logitech® G25/G27/DFGT/DFP or Generic Pedals Adapter and a used
Shifter Interface USB adapter for Logitech® G25, G27 and G29, I have downloaded all the needed software from the Bodnar page but I can't find how to install them or doing calibration...
I have a g27 with gteye brake mod...can you help me?
The Logitech specific devices just convert the pedals and shifter into standalone USB devices. Disconnect the pedals and shifter from your wheel, plug them into the adaptors and then to USB ports on your PC.

I use DIView (available from the Bodnar site) to calibrate my Bodnar load cell controller. It is fairly self-explanatory just right click on the axis you want to calibrate and you get some options. There are some other similar utilities available as well that people on here use.
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Yep, I have downloaded them all, I am searching for tutorials to do the process the right way.
There are specifi settings for who, like me, have the brake mod?
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Plug the devices in, run the calibration software, adjust the lines for the shifter (which needs the most calibration compared to pedals) after putting the shifter into each gear multiple times. Basically, with the shifter, you're kinda playing a tic-tac-toe game where nobody can stay within the lines, so you're moving the lines to where they make their marks.
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What I am supposed to do now???
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After I run this one and I press the "update settings"...
G27 Calibration.JPG
...will the new settings saved in Bodnar adapter memory or logitech shifter memory?
If I mount my shifter back to the wheel, will the shifter still mantain the new calibration?
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