Tracks Help with track modding

im a total noob so please be patient with me
i wanted to modify a track, just delete a wall, so i used the tool that converts kn5 files into a fbx and creates a folder with the textures i used blender to delete the wall, and then opened the fbx file in the assetto editor and exported again to a kn5 file, and just replaced the og kn5 file with the modified version i did but when i try to use it i get the error "Either race parameters are wrong, or track might be broken, containing no starting positions." i deleted the ai files but still doesnt work, now im pretty sure it must be something really easy to fix but im a noob in both 3d modelling and modding, i would post my work but i havent asked permission to the og creator to modify his track(just planning to use it for myself atm bc i doubt anyone would be interested in my mod anyway)
im pretty sure i shouldnt just have replaced the kn5 file so im pretty sure thats the problem(?)
i know there are pit starting points and race starting points bc i could see the in the asetto editor
i didnt delete the unused textures of the wall i deleted idk if that would be a problem
thanks for your replies in advance :)
If it's the same kn5 converter tool I have here, the process will lose all the Nulls/Empties, which are used for those pit spots, starting points, timing gates and so on.