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herve45 updated _HERVE_MY_DASH_V4.7 with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

  • swoop plugin.


for all games
  • On the "FIVE drivers ahead/behind"
    for each of the 5 ahead and behind : added bestlap which is displayed every 5 seconds alternating with the lastlap
  • color management
  • bestlap :
    in red if the ahead/behind is faster than you
    in black if the ahead/behind is slower than you...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Big thanks to @THK84 for logos cars and splash screen

To install the management of the logos and splash screen, it is necessary to decompress the file herve45.7z in the folder "...\Software\SimHub\ImageLibrary"

Which, in the end, will give you these paths
...SimHub\ImageLibrary\Herve45\Logos Cars
...\SimHub\ImageLibraryHerve45\splash screen

Needed for ACC
  • plug-in swoop.

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Big thanks to @THK84 for logos cars and splash screen

Look on readme.txt to install the logos and splash screen

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.


For all games
  • New graphics for Dirt Rally 2 and Kartkraft
  • notification bar moved to the middle of the dash
  • Class & Vehicule personal track record (WIP not yet operational)
  • For...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Big thanks to @THK84 for logos cars and splash screen

Look on readme.txt to install the logos and splash screen
More new logos cars

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.


For all games

For 5 ahead/behind table
  • Added logos cars
  • Minor graphics update
  • improvement of the detection of latecomers which are displayed in blue...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Big thanks to @THK84 for logos cars and splash screen

Look on readme.txt to install the car class, car logos and splash screen

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

Added car class
Minor graphics update

No modification

No modification


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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Big thanks to @THK84 for logos cars and splash screen

Look on readme.txt to install the car class, car logos and splash screen

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

  1. externalise common code in a .JS file (see readme for installation)
  2. more car and class car logos supported
  3. addition of a "faster driver behind" message when a competitor with a...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Added a new dash....A leaderboard

Big thanks to @THK84 for logos cars and splash screen

Look on readme.txt to install the car class, car logos and splash screen

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

  1. Optimize code
  2. Added class position for all games

  1. Added 2 screens for leaderboard...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Added a new dash....A leaderboard dynamic

Look on readme.txt to :
- install the car class car logos and splash screen
- install file .JS in JavascriptExtensions

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

  1. Optimize code
  2. For bestlap in this session
    1. added bestlap for the same class as you
    2. the absolute best lap : only displayed if there is a class faster...

Read the rest of this update entry...
herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Look on readme.txt to :
- install the car class car logos and splash screen
- install file .JS in JavascriptExtensions

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

  1. Optimize code
  2. colour updates for several car classes
  3. Some graphics update
  4. added a HELP screen to check the presence of external components
    for each missing external component, the line concerned is...

Read the rest of this update entry...
herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Look on readme.txt to :
- install the car class car logos and splash screen
- install file .JS in JavascriptExtensions

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

  1. Optimize code and outsourcing code in javascript
  2. Added average lap (for 4 slidings laps)
  3. Some graphics update
  4. many other minor modifications and bug fixes too many to list here

Read the rest of this update entry...
herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Look on readme.txt to :
- install the car class car logos and splash screen
- install file .JS and fil .JSON in JavascriptExtensions

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

In the file : _HERVE_MY_DASH_CONFIG.json
----> 1: display title, 0: No display title
----> 1: display data, 0: No display data

  1. fixed bug on "color fuel need" for ams2
  2. fixed bug for negative...

Read the rest of this update entry...
herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Look on readme.txt to :
- install the car class car logos and splash screen
- install file .JS and fil .JSON in JavascriptExtensions
- some examples of settings in the readme.txt file

Needed for ACC
plug-in swoop.

In the file : _HERVE_MY_DASH_CONFIG.json
----> 1: display title, 0: No display title
----> 1: display data, 0: No display data

  1. many modifications...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

  • Removal of the \Herve45\Cars Class folder, as it has been out of use since the last official release last week.
  • Removal of several irrelevant splash screens
  • Added EA WRC 2023
Needed simhub V9.1.10

  1. For 5 Ahead/behind table
    Completely rebuilt from scratch to take advantage of simhub's latest features
    Added a symbol for places won/lost (red arrow or green arrow)
  1. ...

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herve45 updated HERVE_DASH with a new update entry:

simhub dashboard

Needed simhub V9.1.10

  1. for tires, it is now possible to display either :

    all_tyres_1D: only the inner part of the tire is displayed with its T° and colors

    all-tyres_3D: the inside, middle and outside parts of the tire are displayed, with color management for each part of the tire

    choose one or other option in the _HERVE_MY_DASH_CONFIG.json file
    for example :
    "all tyres_1D": 0,
    "all tyres_3D": 1,

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