Hesitation when player joins server

I get a hesitation when a player joins server. If middle of a corner then outcome is not good. Is this normal? Can i reduce or prevent it?
I don't experience this issue myself, but I've heard it mentioned on TS a few times so you're definitely not the only one. At a guess I'd say it's the game loading the livery of the person joining, but I don't know of any potential fix. It's not a drive speed issue as I just have regular 7200rpm hard drives.
It's strange, only some get it, so it must be a RaceRoom server/internet connection issue.
Fortunately people can't join during a race, but yes it is annoying if it effects you.
Mind you last year everybody got it whenever someone joined so there's been an improvement.
Has happened on most sims i have used from rf1 days only place i never got it was on IR.
The worse time for it to happen is when during a race people quit the server (maybe crashed and wrecked the car or something) and that short hesitation can cause others to have a problem esp when in a close fight.
I get this issue sometimes and while it's just a microstutter in my case, it can be annoying, yep. Thankfully this mostly happens during practice or qualification. And yes, I think it only ever happened to me on public servers, not on RD servers :thumbsup:
This "join lag" has been around forever in RR. It happens because, when a new player joins, the game has the load the new car model + livery + whatever else if it isnt already being used on the server. So, there is a moment of lag while everything syncs up. Basically put.

This has been improved a lot since the early days, but likely wont ever fully go away. As pre-loading every possible car/livery combo would mean the loading times would be astronomical, and this is highly unnecessary.
I think the stutter is being caused by cars being loaded, so it probably has more to do with people's PC's than their internet connection. I'm not necessarily talking specs, but for example if you have a badly fragmented HDD it could slow the loading time and cause the stutter.
I think the stutter is being caused by cars being loaded, so it probably has more to do with people's PC's than their internet connection. I'm not necessarily talking specs, but for example if you have a badly fragmented HDD it could slow the loading time and cause the stutter.
Not only that. Whenin race and I see the stutter on the game displaying the fastest lap overlay. It's weird. I'm interested in investing in this game, but this is putting me off at the moment. I've only tried public lobies though.