I don't know if lezas tut has pacenote plugin? You have pacenote plugin? Just copy values from cockpit to bonnet cam. It work while you are adjusting values.
Now it's less obvious, previously when I changed the gear the car just shaked for moment, now still a bit of movement, but not as smooth as for example in Dirt rally games.
So Ive realised that bonnet camera goes static only when you use camera key C on the keyboard. Changing camera through pacenote plugin somehow doesn't register that bonnet camera is in use.
The excellent NGPCarMenu plugin has recently implemented a fix for this. Static cockpit cam and also other features (FOV override for all cars, hide wheel/wipers....). By default static cam is not enabled. Just install the plugin, run RBR, go to options>plugins>NGPCarMenu and change options with the arrow keys. After exiting RBR you'll find a NGPCarMenu.ini file you can edit with even more options, and the developer is adding features as we speak! Isn't the RBR community marvelous?
Custom "Select Car in-game menu" for Richard Burns Rally (RBR v1.02 SSE) game. The plugin supports custom car preview images (the real RBR 3D rendered custom car images), car specs from N...
(click on "Releases" on the right panel for more explanations and the link to the zip file you have to download).
P.S. The Hungarian "plugin" (or should we say "distribution" now?), Rallysimfans, includes NGPCarMenu, just not the very latest version.