Jon c submitted a new resource:
Mirror resolutions upgradeFix for group A to D cars for GTL. - Alfa75 Alfa gtv BMW E30 M3 BMW 635 Corolla Levin Escort mk3 1600i/Turbo HoldenVL JAG XJS 5.3
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Mirror resolutions upgradeFix for group A to D cars for GTL. - Alfa75 Alfa gtv BMW E30 M3 BMW 635 Corolla Levin Escort mk3 1600i/Turbo HoldenVL JAG XJS 5.3
Mirror resolutions upgrade/Fix v1.0 for group A to D cars for gtl.
Just place into individual GameData/Teams/car folders You can use the ones i have chosen and tested,
Or i have included various mirror resolutions if you prefer to try your own. just place them into car folder.
Alfa gtv
BMW E30 M3
BMW 635
Corolla Levin
Escort mk3 1600i/Turbo
Merc 190e
Nissan DR30
Renault 5GT
Rover Metro Turbo
Rover Sd1
Sierra RS500
Jon c
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