Highway 9??

Back ground:
Highway 9 is a reputable mountain road in the California Bay Area that features some smooth touge from Saratoga to Santa Cruz. You can often find people in all sorts of cars enjoying this road (or people just passing through). It is scenic, and a thrilling drive. The local government takes pretty good care of the road as well, and as such most sections of the road are smooth and very drivable at a good pace.

So the main reason for this post is that I've tried searching for this road but haven't seen anything for it. I grew up i the Bay Area, and have many times driven Highway 9. It is such a fun road to drive, whether pushing your car and self, or just cruising. But recently I moved nearly 400 miles away and I'm missing it dearly.

If there is anyone out there that knows of a track mod for this, I would so much like to see it and drive highway 9 once again.
If not I'm sure I can make up for it with some other track mods here
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I research this topic once a month waiting for someone to make something, as far as all the tech in the valley someone who has a love for the roads has got to have the capability to do so. I’ve got some money to throw at whoever can do it. HWY 9 will make or break you down hill or up! Living in SC county is a blessing