rF2 Honda Civic @ Croft - Wed 19th March

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

Event Details
Cars week12: Renault ClioTrophy 1.41, Honda Civic and Skip Barber Formula 2000 Download
Track: Croft V1.0 Download
MOD: Download

Weather: Sunny
Road condition: Rubber on track were possible
Tyre wear: Normal
Mechanical failure: Time scaled

Race 1
20:00 GMT
Qually: 20:20 GMT 10 minute
Warm up: 3 minutes
Race 1 : 20mins

Race 2
21:00 GMT
Qually: 21:20 GMT 10 minute
Warm up: 3 minutes
Race 2 : 20 mins

You can join for a single race or both you can even join just for race 2.
the server will need to be advanced to qually by a vote at the correct time or i can give the admin command password to a driver that attends and he can take control of this.

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

MOD Installation.
To join this event, you need to install the track, and download the mod.

Note - Please take into account that rFactor 2 is still in beta stage and that technical problems might occur. If you spot a bug please post a (constructive) report in the dedicated bug forum.

Sign-up list:
  1. Gijs van Elderen
  2. Fabio Mich
  3. Frederic Schornstein
  4. Jörn horbelt
  5. Franklin Stegink
  6. Theo van den Brink
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
Last edited:
Real fun!
Race 1: burned the tires! But i had good fun battling with Jörnt.
Race 2: i thought to myself: drive "Freddy" smooth. And don't burn the tires! And it helped. I could keep up with Frederic and Franklin. But only just enough to see them battling.:D
What a great race.

Had a good battle with Theo, Gijs and Frederique.
Nice race.
Really nice racing apart from my flight over the Croft circuit in race 1 :D
But please don't make me sound French Franklin ;)

Real BTCC action in race 2 and Franklin gave me a real run and my soft tyres were taking some punishment. I am uploading a small vid.

We would need a small Club Race Media thread where we could share highlights or promotions like the GT3 Club promotion video, which is WIP.
Here a short highlight video from race2. (1080p)
absolutely awesome! credit to franklin. after freddy got passed (which is tough on this circuit), to come back like that was excellent and i saw that freddy was using every trick in the book to keep franklin behind .e.g. slowing a little more into corners to get better exit.
i believe freddy's tyres were shot but even so, he (you) always gets such good exit speed.

Great, respecful racing. I had a little chuckle as i read, "made in britain" and then 1 second later, the german guy goes sailing passed :ninja::laugh:
absolutely awesome! credit to franklin. after freddy got passed (which is tough on this circuit), to come back like that was excellent and i saw that freddy was using every trick in the book to keep franklin behind .e.g. slowing a little more into corners to get better exit.
i believe freddy's tyres were shot but even so, he (you) always gets such good exit speed.

Great, respecful racing. I had a little chuckle as i read, "made in britain" and then 1 second later, the german guy goes sailing passed :ninja::laugh:
In the end it was between Franklin and Gilj.
I got an 8 second lead as Franklin had a little of track moment after chasing me for 9 or 10 Laps. I would never abuse my tyres :D

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