Hotlap Ghost the guy ahead of me on leaderboards??

Maybe it has always been this way, and I'm dumb, that's is very possible...but is the hotlap ghost actually the next guy faster than me on the leader boards? I always thought I was racing my own ghost. It's how it was in AC.

Long story. I haven't been hot lapping personally, but today on a friend's rig we both noticed the ghost drove unusual lines. So I set a faster laptime than the ghost, while making a few obvious mistakes exoecting the ghost to do the same. It didnt!

Maybe I'm just dumb, but II though I had read all the track update notes available. Anyway, this is an amazing feature for people learning....very cool! I know it's been talked about in the past in AC. Can someone confirm of refute this?
Thanks @ionONE1 , but ive done it 5 times, on 2 seperate racing rigs. The hotlap ghost IS NOT driving the line of my fastest lap. I intentionally drove off line on the straights, and the run to the finish, yet the ghost clearly stays closer to the line when i repeat the lap after having set a new record. Maybe the line IS mine, but why wouldnt it be my best lap, ie the previous lap ?
Thanks @ionONE1 , but ive done it 5 times, on 2 seperate racing rigs. The hotlap ghost IS NOT driving the line of my fastest lap. I intentionally drove off line on the straights, and the run to the finish, yet the ghost clearly stays closer to the line when i repeat the lap after having set a new record. Maybe the line IS mine, but why wouldnt it be my best lap, ie the previous lap ?
has done it to me to, must be a bug