How are money awarded for races in rF1?

Hi. Does anyone know how credits are calculated to be awarded for a race, in rFactor 1? Approximately.

I'm going through the out-of-the-box championships, and earning money for cars and upgrades through single races. However the amount of money I get for a race seems rather random: sometimes it's less than 1000 credits, other times something around 5000 (in the ZR series)—even though I tend to keep retrying each race until I finish first.

I know about the cheat and mods, but I'm fine with earning credits—I like to have some goals in the game, just out of my reach. Only would prefer for the sums to make more sense.

Does the race length affect the award? I usually run shortish races, to not botch a half-hour of effort with the inevitable mistake.

Also it vaguely feels like even if I restart the race, I still get some money for the unfinished attempt.