xNAPx xNAPx Apr 25, 2022 #1 hello everyone, by messing around with csp and various settings recently this low fuel indicator is appearing on the top left corner, how can I deactivate it?
hello everyone, by messing around with csp and various settings recently this low fuel indicator is appearing on the top left corner, how can I deactivate it?
Michael Krone Premium Michael Krone Apr 25, 2022 #2 Custom fuel............... Attachments bandicam 2022-04-25 05-38-46-224.jpg 137.6 KB · Views: 809
Pfalzdriver Pfalzdriver Apr 25, 2022 #3 Just rename "content\gui\fuelIndicator\fuelIndicator.png" to smtg like "fuelIndicator.png.bak" and the sign is gone.
Just rename "content\gui\fuelIndicator\fuelIndicator.png" to smtg like "fuelIndicator.png.bak" and the sign is gone.