General How do I encrypt a 3D model?

You did nothing wrong at all. But the upload of encrypted mods is not allowed as encryption prevents moderators and users from checking your mod. The rule was established after many people used encryption to hide the origin of their models, which they did not do themselves but took from Forza etc.

You've talked about some JDM car you've been working on, but did not ever post any work in progress shots of the model yet at all, which if you actually made the car yourself you would have done at some point.
mb english is not my main language so I must have not understood all the terms and rules... Am I violating a RD rule?

[EDIT] I don't really know what I've done wrong guys, if I have to delete the post I'll surely do it. It seems legit to me to not release the 3D editable model of my prototype after I spent uncountable hours modeling it :(
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You did nothing wrong at all. But the upload of encrypted mods is not allowed as encryption prevents moderators and users from checking your mod. The rule was established after many people used encryption to hide the origin of their models, which they did not do themselves but took from Forza etc.

You've talked about some JDM car you've been working on, but did not ever post any work in progress shots of the model yet at all, which if you actually made the car yourself you would have done at some point.
Oh ok now I understand, sorry but I didn't know about that. I completely agree with that now that you have made me think about it. Also I'm new to posting here on RD and to upload any progress of the projects that I'm working on. With that being said thank you for your reply and I'll try to share more information about my upcoming projects :thumbsup:

P.S The JDM project that you are referring to has fallen in the oblivion :D
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