PC1 how do you tell the difference between p2p and dedicated servers?

Quoting my google research:

Basically, dedicated servers are stand alone units which only exist to run a game server from, whereas P2P (Peer to Peer) means that one of the people playing the game also acts as the host, and the other players connect to that player's machine.

For that reason, dedicated servers are better because all of their power is put into running the server, whereas a P2P host's computer is running the game they're playing, running the server they're hosting and doing whatever else that player may have running.
That's a good explanation Robby, but i think the OP wanted to know when you're in the pCars server list how can you tell which lobbies are dedicated and which ones are standard p2p connections.

I think the answer is you can't at the moment! Hopefully it'll get patched in.