How does AC choose which skins go in race?

In offline races with AI, I get the impression some skins are used more frequently.

I had presumed that the game chose skins to appear in races by random; I'm not so sure anymore.

Are skins chosen according to some criterion: folder name? the "priority" value in the folder? something else?

I'd prefer it was just random.

Anyone help? Or am I just imagining the whole thing?
There's also an option in AC called something along the lines of 'serialize skins' or something like that. Enabling this options loads skins for the AI in alphabetical order by folder name, skipping the player's selected skin.

For some reason I still don't use the CM to launch AC (honestly don't know why I still don't) so I have this option enabled and all the custom skins I like to see I just throw a few zeros at the start of the folder name to force them to be used by the AI.
That's like the opposite of random though. :D

I didn't get much sleep last night. Totally missed that point in the OP :sleep: :whistling:
I know the feeling. Thanks for trying to help out though :)

And if I didn't use Content Manager, is there a way to randomise skin choice?

@Michael Hornbuckle 's first reply would imply you can't randomise; or you can randomise but that means having all skins with exactly the same file name and all the same priority in the file - am I right? And that would be a lot of hassle. And life is short.

Is the only solution to use Content Manager? I'd rather not use it as I'm OK with the launcher and am not looking to add more complexity.