Cars How to align Collider with Car

Hello, I would like to know , i've dowloaded a car and the collider is not aligned with the texture of the car (Watch the Screenshot ) , how could i move it back to be aligned ? Thanks

First off you shouldn't trust the CM showroom to show you where colliders are. But if it works that way ingame too then you have to import the collider kn5, move the mesh (not any other object, has to be the mesh) and re-export it.
First off you shouldn't trust the CM showroom to show you where colliders are. But if it works that way ingame too then you have to import the collider kn5, move the mesh (not any other object, has to be the mesh) and re-export it.
how do you move the mesh? also what program do you use to do it? will 3ds max work?
how do you move the mesh? also what program do you use to do it? will 3ds max work?
As you have no experience u should try it with 3dsimed, open the collider by draging the kn file on it, then on top click "primitiv" and "add", choose the car.kn5.

Now u will see the car and the collider, right click on collider and select it, on the right u can see the object axis so u will play with X or Y value.

When u find the good alignement just open a second 3dsimed app, import collider only and adjust axis value, now u can save it in kn5 file into your car folder and try.