How to change DynHUD?

I thought i'd find thousands of threads and websites on that, but no, nothing.

Could somebody explain me how to change the DynHUD view?

I used the editor to create my HUD, but it doesn't display in AMS?

I removed all other overlay*.ini files in the config folder (as stated in the readme if i only ever want 1 global overlay to be used) but i still only get the same 2 layouts in AMS that i can't even find somewhere.

I just did a search for "overlay" in the whole AMS folder and just the one overlay.ini around that i edited.

Can somebody help me out there?

Thanks :)
Okay, so please somebody explain that slowly to me :)

So i go into the folder Automobilista / plugins / DynHUD / config.
There's the overlay.ini which has all the information in it we want.

In Automobilista / plugins / DynHUD / editor is the editor i use to edit the HUD.

When i open the editor my custom HUD is already loaded.
(Flag widget, map widget, Controllwidget)

I press safe and see that the overlay.ini has a modified timestamp of now.

So .... why doesn't that work in AMS?

When i press "5" 1 time i see:
the position bar in the bottom
press a second time:
the position bar + speedmeter thing
press a third time:
All elements get removed
Then it starts from the beginning again.

Going to remove everything and see what happens.

May be of interest: I also can't get the track map to work.
Happens in AMS and AMS Beta.
Reinstalled AMS Beta twice, removed all overlay.ini files, started with the default one ....
Nothing helped and i give up.
Can somebody try if this overlay.ini works?


# The data in this section is only for informational purposes
# and will not be used when the config is loaded.
# Modifications here may not change anything.
rfDynHUD_Version = "1.5.0-Beta (build 130)"
Design_Resolution = "1920x1080"
Design_Grid = "(0,0;10,10)"

useClassScoring = "~DEFAULT~" // Ignore vehicles from other classes than the viewed one for scoring?
noUpdateDisableMillis = 500 // The number of milliseconds of no game data update, after which rendering is suspended.
tvConfiguration = "overlay.ini" // Slave Widget Configuration, that will be displayed when TV camera is selected.

FasterColor = #FF0000
PositionItemColorLeader = #BE00BEC0
PositionItemColorMe = #FF0000C0
PositionItemColorNextBehind = #00FF00C0
PositionItemColorNextInFront = #0000FFC0
PositionItemColorNormal = #686869C0
PositionItemFontColor = #000000
SlowerColor = #05FF00
StandardBackground = #000000C8
StandardFontColor = #FFFFFF

BiggerFont = "Arial Black|PLAIN|16va"
PositionItemFont = "Verdana|BOLD|9va"

ReizaBorder = "backgroundcolor_border.ini"
StandardBorder = "backgroundcolor_border.ini"

class = "stock.standard.StatusFlagsWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = CENTER_CENTER // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 0.0% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = -30.000002% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 140px // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 100px // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "~DEFAULT~" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = "~DEFAULT~" // top padding
paddingLeft = "~DEFAULT~" // left padding
paddingRight = "~DEFAULT~" // right padding
paddingBottom = "~DEFAULT~" // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
showGreenAfterBlue = "~DEFAULT~" // Whether to show the green flag after the blue flag disappeared
showGreenTime = "~DEFAULT~" // Number of seconds to display the green flag after thrown (-1 for forever)
imageGreen = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageYellow = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageBlue = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageRed = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageRedYellow = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageWhite = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageBlack = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageChequered = "~DEFAULT~" //

class = "stock.standard.MapWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = BOTTOM_LEFT // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 0.0% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = 22.685184% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 29.097223% // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 37.22222% // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "~DEFAULT~" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = "~DEFAULT~" // top padding
paddingLeft = "~DEFAULT~" // left padding
paddingRight = "~DEFAULT~" // right padding
paddingBottom = "~DEFAULT~" // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
font = "~DEFAULT~" // The used font.
fontColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's font color in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
rotationEnabled = true // Map rotation enabled?
rotationSmoothing = "~DEFAULT~" // Smooth out jolty waypoints around corners for rotation calculation?
maxDspRoadLength = 250 // Maximum road length in meters to be displayed at once (0 for infinite).
sillyWaypointFix = "~DEFAULT~" // If greater than 0, waypoints are ignored outside of this distance value.
roadColorSec1 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road and sector 1 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadBoundaryColorSec1 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road boundary and sector 1 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadColorSec2 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road and sector 2 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadBoundaryColorSec2 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road boundary and sector 2 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadColorSec3 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road and sector 3 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadBoundaryColorSec3 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road boundary and sector 3 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
pitlaneColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the pitlane in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadWidth = 8 // The width of the roadin absolute pixels.
itemRadius = "~DEFAULT~" // The abstract radius for any displayed driver item.
markColorNormal = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for all, but special cars in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
markColorLeader = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the leader's car in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
markColorMe = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for your own car in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
useMyColorForMe1st = "~DEFAULT~" // Use 'markColorMe' for my item when I am at 1st place?
markColorNextInFront = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the car in front of you in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
markColorNextBehind = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the car behind you in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
displayPosNumbers = false // Display numbers on the position markers?
displayNameLabels = "~DEFAULT~" // Display name label near the position markers?
nameLabelPos = "~DEFAULT~" // Positioning of the name labels.
nameLabelFont = "~DEFAULT~" // Font for the name labels.
nameLabelFontColor = "~DEFAULT~" // Font color for the name labels.

class = "stock.telemetry.ControlsWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = BOTTOM_RIGHT // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 21.597221% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = 0.0% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 60px // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 128px // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "<NONE>" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = 6 // top padding
paddingLeft = 6 // left padding
paddingRight = 6 // right padding
paddingBottom = 6 // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
font = "DokChampa|BOLD|22va" // The used font.
fontColor = "#FFFFFF00" // The Widget's font color in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
horizontalBars = "~DEFAULT~" // Extend the bars horizontally instead of vertically?
swapThrottleAndBrake = "~DEFAULT~" // Swap throttle and brake order?
displayClutch = "~DEFAULT~" // Display the clutch bar?
clutchImage = "~DEFAULT~" // The image for the clutch bar. (overrules the color)
clutchColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the clutch bar in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
displayBrake = "~DEFAULT~" // Display the brake bar?
brakeImage = "~DEFAULT~" // The image for the brake bar. (overrules the color)
brakeColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the brake bar in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
displayThrottle = "~DEFAULT~" // Display the throttle bar?
throttleImage = "~DEFAULT~" // The image for the throttle bar. (overrules the color)
throttleColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the throttle bar in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
gap = "~DEFAULT~" // Gap between the bars
labelOffset = 200 // The offset for bar text from the left or bottom boundary of the bar.

class = "stock.timing.StandingsWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = BOTTOM_RIGHT // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 0.0% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = 0.0% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 302px // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 128px // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "<NONE>" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = "~DEFAULT~" // top padding
paddingLeft = "~DEFAULT~" // left padding
paddingRight = "~DEFAULT~" // right padding
paddingBottom = "~DEFAULT~" // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
font = "~DEFAULT~" // The used font.
fontColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's font color in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
fontColor_me = "~DEFAULT~" // The font color used for myself in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
fontColor_out = "~DEFAULT~" // The font color used for retired drivers in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
fontColor_finished = "~DEFAULT~" // The font color used for finished drivers in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
useGapColoring = "~DEFAULT~" // Use separate font color for faster and slower gaps.
useAutoWidth = "~DEFAULT~" // Automatically compute and display the width?
initialView = "~DEFAULT~" // the initial kind of standings view. Valid values: RELATIVE_TO_LEADER, RELATIVE_TO_ME.
forceLeaderDisplayed = false // Display leader regardless of maximum displayed drivers setting?
nameDisplayType = SHORT_FORM // How to display driver names.
showLapsOrStops = false // Whether to show the number of laps or stops done or not.
abbreviate = "~DEFAULT~" // Whether to abbreviate "Stops", or not.
showTopspeeds = false // Whether to show a topspeeds column or not.