DiRT Rally How to change your FOV

Open "Eyefinity_cameras_adjustments"
change your "head cam" here. This is what mine looks like

<CameraAdjustment class="Head">
<Fov angle="50" />
<Tilt percent="100" />
<Position x="0.0" y="5.0" z="30.0" />

Position X= Left and Right. Higher number = Left, A minus number = Right
Position Y= Up and Down. Higher number = Up, A minus number = Down
I'm pretty sure there was an actual setting for this. I remember accidentally stumbling upon it. I'll see if I can find it again and I'll post.
BTW I'm new to this site. Wanting to get more serious with sim racing and racing with others :)

EDIT: Okay, from the main menu: Profile > Game Preferences > Under the gameplay category, there is "Camera File of View"
I don't think this changes the center point about which the FOV will scale, but I set it to 0.8 and like that setting so far.