How to enable external sound in cockpit view?


I believe I somewhere saw an option (maybe in Content Manager?) or in a forum post somewhere(?) that one can switch to hear external sounds in cockpit view. Now I am searching and searching - in Content Manager and in several froums (Google) but cant find either the option where to enable it (if such option exists in AC) nor can I find a trick how to do that.

Any suggestions how to enable external sounds in cockpit view? Thanks!
bottom right
Thank you!! Exactely what I was looking for!!

Unfortunatelley, it did not work when testing it for the Porsche 911 RSR where I have replaced the original with the one from 911 RSR 2017 Sound Mod V1.5.1.

The sound mod as such works, but even with option for exterior sounds everywhere ON I still hear the (modded) interior sound in cockpit view but not the exterior one

Using Shaders Pach version 0.1.62 and teh audio settings for the shader in Content Manager are:
Old master soundbank: content/sfx/old/
Ticked options are: Fix stereo sound in VR (using Index Valve's headphones), Fix missing gear sound ..., and new: "Use exterior sounds everywhere".

Any ideas? Thanks!