If you still need help. I run ReShade version of sweefx with Assetto Corsa with no problems. 64 bit windows. No problems with steam. Windows 7 Profesional
ReShade version of sweefx will work with windows OS 8.0 and lower. It will not work with Windows 8.2 or higher. Which is why I still run windows 7. If you have windows 8.2 or higher you can give up now. Its not going to work.... This might be your problem. I know I'm correct about this. I had to buy a new hard drive and new copy of windows to get this to work. My smaller hard drive back then was runnung windows 8.2 and when I updated to windows 10, same thing. It ran fine when I had windows 8.0 I was going to buy bigger hard drives anyway. I now have 6.5 TB of hard drive. I updated my power source to run a bunch og hard drives. Running one external hard drive that makes it 6.5 TB total.
My log file looks like this.... I high lighted some lines for you near the bottom of this log file. Showing it works, and it shuts down when I exit the simulation.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:695 [04132] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' built on '2015-11-07 11:58:17' loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\dxgi.dll" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\acs.exe" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:720 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:725 [04132] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s).
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | > Delayed.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:735 [04132] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:745 [04132] | INFO | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:770 [04132] | INFO | > Installed 5 hook(s).
14/09/2016 11:42:10:770 [04132] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\ws2_32.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:770 [04132] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
14/09/2016 11:42:10:775 [04132] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
14/09/2016 11:42:10:810 [04132] | INFO | > Installed 8 hook(s).
14/09/2016 11:42:10:810 [04132] | INFO | Initialized.
14/09/2016 11:42:11:135 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassW(00000000001EF270)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:140 [04132] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:140 [04132] | INFO | > Found 6 match(es). Installing ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:140 [04132] | INFO | > Installed 6 hook(s).
14/09/2016 11:42:11:150 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 00000000001EECF8)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:185 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(0000000000000000, 1, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 00000000001EF070, 3, 7, 0000000141384010, 00000000001EEF40, 0000000141384008)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:185 [04132] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain':
14/09/2016 11:42:11:185 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(0000000000000000, 1, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 00000000001EF070, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000141384010, 00000000001EEF40, 0000000141384008)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:185 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 00000000001EE158)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:225 [04132] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 0000000003512D10 is inconsistent: 2, but expected 1.
14/09/2016 11:42:11:229 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(0000000000000000, 1, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 00000000001EF070, 3, 7, 00000000001EEF50, 0000000141384020, 0000000141384010, 00000000001EEF40, 0000000141384008)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:229 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 00000000001EE3C8)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:263 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(0000000006D02000, 00000000033EE670, 00000000001EEF50, 0000000141384020)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:11:268 [04132] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 00000000035C4F70.
14/09/2016 11:42:11:268 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(0000000006DC3110, TRUE, 0000000000000000)' ...
14/09/2016 11:42:12:700 [04132] | INFO | Loading effect from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\ReShade.fx" ...
14/09/2016 11:42:38:559 [04132] | INFO | > Successfully compiled effect.
14/09/2016 11:44:21:811 [04132] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(0000000006DC3110, FALSE, 0000000000000000)' ...
14/09/2016 11:44:22:146 [04132] | INFO | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 00000000035C4F70.
14/09/2016 11:44:22:169 [04132] | INFO | Exiting ...
14/09/2016 11:44:22:169 [04132] | INFO | Uninstalling 30 hook(s) ...
14/09/2016 11:44:22:320 [04132] | INFO | Exited.