how to lower steering speed on 360 gamepad ?


i have a question

I use a 360 xbox gamepad and it works nice but

the steering speed is a little too high and i cannot adjust it .

If I change the rates in the controller settings of rfactor it has no effect ->

What can I change in the controller.ini file ? or even do else to lower down the steering speed (left analog stick) a little?

THX for replies
My first thought was "Digital steering rate" but you are using analogue and you tried it already. Have you tried adjusting the "sensitivity" on the axis for steering? There is also a setting in controller.ini I think.
Also, you can try playing with the steering lock for individual cars in the garage/car set up screen. I think a lower value for steering lock = less sensitive/slower steering.
Hope this helps, I don't have time to check right now, but I can check the settings later and get back to you if you want.
but did not help meanwhile
I got a xbox one gamepad same problem - any body knows how to lower steering speed ?
ingame changes have no effect
and in the controller.ini file it does not work
When I use my Logitech Dual Action gamepad I have the Digital Steering Rate set at 10 and the Speed Sensitive Steering at 75. In the Controller 1 menu option I have X axis sensitivity set to 0. Granted it's not an Xbox controller but any and all cars are very drivable. Even more so when the Steering Lock for the vehicle is reduced to around 13.

I can't remember but does the Xbox controller have any adjustment software or just the basic Windows Gamepad Controller settings. Just wondering if Microsoft has an option to adjust the stick sensitivity input. Back when I was using an Xbox360 controller on my PC it was only because some older arcade titles like Flatout Ultimate Carnage, Burnout and others had in game presets for it.

Here's a few lines from my controller.ini file that is in my Profile Name Folder, maybe they will be of help. Some General Controls entries may be for a wheel but I'm not sure.

[ Basic Controls ]
Basic Controls="0"

[ General Controls ]
Analog Control Filter="0"
Filter Samples="3"
Fixed Rate Inputs="1"
Steer Ratio Speed="20.00000"
Speed Sensitive Steering="0.75172"

[ Joystick ]
Axis [00, 00] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 X
Axis [00, 00] Sensitivity="0.00000"
Axis [00, 00] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to correct centering or split-axis issues)
Axis [00, 01] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 Y
Axis [00, 01] Sensitivity="0.50345"
Axis [00, 01] Center="0.50000"
Axis [00, 02] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 Z
Axis [00, 02] Sensitivity="0.50345"
Axis [00, 02] Center="0.50000"
Axis [00, 03] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 RX
Axis [00, 03] Sensitivity="0.50345"
Axis [00, 03] Center="0.50000"
Axis [00, 04] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 RY
Axis [00, 04] Sensitivity="0.50345"
Axis [00, 04] Center="0.50000"
Axis [00, 05] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 RZ
Axis [00, 05] Sensitivity="0.50345"
Axis [00, 05] Center="0.50000"