F1 2015 How to manually edit my controls settings?

F1 2015 The Game (Codemasters)

Lesley Buurlage

Simracer Northern Lions Esports
hello everyone
has anyone an idea how i can manually edit my controls settings in the folder and not in-game, the game thinks i'm playing with a controller while i'm actually playing with a wheel and now i can't edit my wheel settings so i've unwanted deadzone's all over the place

thanks in regards
this is crazy, I have a thrustmaster 2in 1 pc/ps2 ferrari racing wheel. WHich was perfect for F1 2011/2012/2013 and 2014.

And now I cannot keep my car in a straight line in monza, it's sliding all over the place even in the straights.

This is just crazy, if this isn't solved I want my money back cause the game is worthless for me then