How to set up your steering wheel for Stock Car Extreme

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Renato Simioni

Reiza Studios
Steering wheel alignment with in-game wheels & eliminating steering lag

To match your steering rotation with the in-game steering wheel rotation, just make sure your "GRAPHICAL STEERING WHEEL RANGE" setting in CONTROLS menu matches your controller setting - be that 180, 270, 540, 900 or whatever - this setting affects the in-game graphical steering wheel rotation only. If the controller setting and this in-game setting are the same, both graphical and controller wheels steering position will match 1:1.

If the controller setting and in-game steering wheel rotation are the same but they are still not aligning all the time or lagging, check that:

- steering help is switched off;
- speed sensitivity slider in CONTROLS > CONTROLLER 2 menu is at 0%;
- your FPS performance is over 60 FPS;
- VSync is switched off.

Setting up the correct steering ratio

For controlling the car you also need to ensure the steering ratio is correct. This is the ratio between your controller steering rotation and in-game steering lock (the maximum angle the front wheels will turn, set from the Garage menu).

Default steering lock for all cars is 14 degrees, which is suitable for 270º of steering rotation from your controller. You can achieve better & more realistic steering ratio by setting steering rotation & steering lock as below:

-For the formula cars, MR18, Marcas and the StockV8s, set your controller rotation to 450-540 degrees, and steering lock to 18-24 degrees;

-For the Camaro, Opala and Mini set steering rotation to 900º, and steering lock to 30-33 degrees;

-For the karts, set steering to 180º, keeping default steering lock of 16 degrees.

Keep in mind that the steering rotation that is relevant to steering ratio is from your controller profile - the steering rotation you can set from the CONTROLS menu is just for the graphical steering wheel.

Force Feedback settings

Logitech G25 / G27

(sorry for portuguese but should be self-explanatory)

As described above, 270 degrees of rotation is suitable for the default steering lock in all cars. It is recommended however that this setting is adjusted to what is more suitable for each car, which will require re-adjusting this setting both in Logitech profile as well as the "GRAPHICAL STEERING WHEEL RANGE" in the Controls menu.

You don´t necessarily have to access the Logitech profile to change wheel rotation with the G25 / G27 - you can do it from the controller itself, by holding the two middle red buttons and press one of the following:

Top: 240 degrees

Right: 670 degrees

Left: 450 degrees

Bottom: 900 degrees

Apparently this also will work for the DFGT, but obviously the settings and buttons to press are different.

In-game there is no secret - just use the settings from the default G25 / G27 profiles, making sure
FFB effects is set to Low and strentgh to -100% . Adjust "GRAPHICAL STEERING WHEEL RANGE" to match your Logitech profile setting:



(Not that the "HEAD MOVEMENT / LOOK AHEAD / EXAGGERATE YAW sliders are for the view movement in-cockpit, not related to the actual controller setting. Digital rates are relevant for keyboards / gamepad users)

There is naturally a degree of of personal taste to these settings - you may increase centering force for example if you prefer more resistance from the wheel around the center, or you may increase FFB effects in-game from LOW to add canned effects, but these settings should provide the purest FFB.

Settings for TM T500 RS & Fanatec CSR V1/V2 will follow up shortly.
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Not sure how many are using 270 degrees! I use 540 degrees and have setups with the for me best steering lock.
Anyway you can easy use 900 degrees and make a setup for the cars you drive with the steering lock you you like.
But yes, would be nice if it was automatic in-game.
What? You mean I can let my profiler settings at 900 degrees and still get the correct steering locks in game? But this is what I want! How does this work? Can you give me an example for one car please?
You could just let it at 900º in profile, 900º in controls menu and max out your steering lock to maximum (32-33º) in garage 1. It would be somewhat slower steering ratio than recommended to the race cars and they would have more lock than they should, but for their actual steering range it would not be far off.
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As i'm completely inexperienced with simracing / wheel, it would be awesome if somebody could point me in the right direction - i got loads of informations but have my problems combining them.

What i've collected so far:

# Settings for different cars
* Sport cars (Camaro, Opala and Mini)
900deg wheel rotation, 15:1 ratio, 30 lock
* GT/Touring (Marcas and the StockV8s)
540deg wheel rotation, 15:1 ratio, 18 lock
* Formula (Formula cars, MR18)
540deg wheel rotation, 13:1 ratio, 21 lock
* Kart
180deg wheel rotation, 6:1 ratio, 16 lock

# Ingame settings
* Graphical wheel rotation to be set in Controller Options
* Steering lock to be set in Garage 1

Okay, so far so good, now to the questions.

1) Do i have to set the wheel rotation settings in Logitech Profiler?
- Does that also mean that when i switch from V8 to F-Classic that i need to Alt+tab out and change the settings in the Profiler?
- Can i leave the general settings at 900 deg and override it with the Game Specific settings?

2) The "ratio" above, is a value that gets automatically determined based on wheel rotation and steerking lock, right?

3) Graphical wheel rotation should be according to the settings in Logitech Profiler, right?

4) I haven't even touched the car setups yet, but i guess there's a default setup for each car type and track and so if i save the steering lock in that setup, it will be automatically loaded whenever the track with that car type is loaded, right?
So if i switch from Stock Cars to Formula Classic i'd have to change the weel rotation in Options and Logitech Profiler and steering lock would be loaded?

Thanks for your patience, all the infomations and clarifications of my questions.
Please also feel free to correct any mistakes i made in my post.

Thanks Reiza for this absolutely awesome game - really looking forward to the update in which all those settings are made automatically by the game, tho :D
@xnorb I will try to answer some of your questions if I can. First off your on the right track. Most of your settings for lock and rotation look about right from what I have seen. The steering ratio is really what you are wanting to match with the real vehicles and you are correct it is just the ratio of steering lock to rotation of the steering wheel. I am generally a fan of realism and correct simulation over other factors so I generally prefer what is the most realistic over just easiest to drive. I believe your street car settings are correct and close enough. My personal speculation is that the camaro is probably a taller ratio than 15:1 so it may be more accurate to have 900/27. But I have never looked up the steering ratio for that and 900/30 should be close enough. For the stock cars and touring cars the 540 is right from what I have read, and the 18 is probably in the realm of adjustments they could make but I think running 22 ish may be more accurate as well as easier to recover. The kart looks to be accurate as well. Keep in mind in real life most of these can be changed (in many series) so adjusting a little one way or the other could still be perfectly realistic. Now I do run the karts closer to 7.5:1 steering ratio even though in real life it is generally closer to 5:1 or 6:1 as I find it is more natural feeling to me and to me feels less twitchy and more like the karts I have driven. I think the difference is in feedback and friction in real life so I find I have similar sensitivity with running a less tight steering ratio by having the rotation a touch over 200 degrees.
1.) yes yes no
2.) yes
3.) yes, but this only affects the visual steering wheel not what the car does, so if it didn't bother you that it rotates differently than your actual wheel you could leave it. Personally it bugs me so I adjust it to match the new car settings I switched to.
4.) If you just save a setup then you must load it next time you use the car. It sounds like if you save a setup and select it as a favorite then it will automatically load for that particular car and track. When i switch cars I have always just changed the steering lock, logitech profiler, and then visual rotation settings. With alt tab it takes about 30 seconds total, so I've never minded. Hope this helps,
Thanks Slalom, you helped me out a big deal.

You also answered my not asked question if i have to restart GSC when adjusting settings in the Profiler :) (Guess i should have noticed when switching from 270 to 900, but well *g*)

Already love this community :)
I don't know if it is ideal to alt tab out to change settings and maybe shouldn't be done, but seems to be okay for me for the most part. I don't do it during the loading of a track normally, and the one or two times gsc acted weird I kind of guess could have been from alt tabbing out, but restarting gsc has always worked for me. By the way I was curious to check the steering ratio for f3 cars and found at least a 1998 Dallara f3's had a 13:1 steering ratio. So if using a 540 rotation that comes to about 21 degrees steering lock. Oh and it has been a while, but the f3 are awesome!! I only ran about five laps and drove the car poorly, but with some time behind the wheel these are a blast!
This information is relevant for Logitech owners:

On the G27/G25 if you hold the two middle red buttons on the shifter and then press one of the 4 top buttons (the ones in the diamond formation) you can change the wheel´s steering rotation to a different setting. This way you can avoid going back to the desktop to change rotation.

Hold the two middle red buttons and press one of the following:

Top: 240 degrees

Right: 670 degrees

Left: 450 degrees

Bottom: 900 Default

Apparently this also will work for the DFGT, but obviously the settings and buttons to press are different.
Hi, there seems to be a bug with the steering lock setting. it doesnt do anything?! if steering lock at 12 or at 33, its both the same feeling. and the onscreen wheel doesnt match the real wheel anymore. before the update i had no problems. but now its very strange...
Quick question about FFB: I have a G27 with a couple of years in it. I use it with the recommended settings in the first post.

Thing is: the FFB is excelent, but the wheel rattles so much on kerbs! It is not a problem of the FFB, but the wheel itself, because of the gearing (instead of the newer wheels, with bands).

Is there any way to reduce a bit that specific effect? I could just lower the general FFB strength, but that is not exactly what I would like to obtain.

Thanks in advance
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