I Am Tired of This

If, by 'sim' you mean 'simulation', then everything should be as close to real racing as the developers can make it. Anything less is closer on the spectrum to 'arcade;.
Just always take few liters of fuel extra lol, problem solved

Simulators does provide estimations for how many laps can be taken for a lap. It could be useful if estimations for timed format races would also be presented and with predictions of how many laps could be made in that time frame in particular track by using pole laptime as a reference.

Automatic setups.... call me elitists, yees do it. Is dreadful thing, as no AI would be able to properly solve as there are so many variables including what the driver likes. AI can not be telepatic and will not become a human that gets to know and predict your feeling over time. So I suggest to get realistic at once (I mean it in both ways). Take this red pill and go with realistic simulation, take the blue pill and IDK what happens.

For example Assetto Corsa means "racing setup", rFactor has "Factor" as obvious allusion to setups and countless variables that affects outcome of race.

Now what people want is to take the variables out. I understand it is all natural. But imagine where it might lead to.

yes I am an "elitist" gatekeeper, I should be ashamed, but for some reason I think it is something to be proud about
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It's the art of racing.....no pit or no fuel and no tyres to change it's just plain stupid.....unless you want to race short distance every racing games should include the pits......I won't talk about the auto pit thing going on in several titles and server....
It's the art of racing.....no pit or no fuel and no tyres to change it's just plain stupid.....unless you want to race short distance every racing games should include the pits......I won't talk about the auto pit thing going on in several titles and server....
If you really want the "Art of Racing" the sims should just randomly have something fail, sometimes to the point you can't continue and your race is over.
True. There should be tiny (at least) chance that for example engine will fail in first laps. I have configured a mod in rf2 in such way that there was very tiny possibility that engine might fail soon after the start. The chance extremely low. Probably woul happen in one of 1000 starts. So what happened was that some people didn't like that there even is a chance of an issue in the first place, although thats realistic.
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It's the art of racing.....no pit or no fuel and no tyres to change it's just plain stupid.....unless you want to race short distance every racing games should include the pits......I won't talk about the auto pit thing going on in several titles and server....
This topic isn't about taking away pitstops. The author wants to drive into the pits, brake, set the limiter, come to a stop in his pit and drive out of it.
But what the crew will do during the pitstop should have some automation so you're simulating being the driver, not the whole racing team.
Dude the pis-stop planning is normal during a race, the driver its totally communicated with his crew chief and testing radio planning to change tires and anymore
Best is to plan the strategy pre-race and don't think about it too much while driving. I wouldn't want to rely on AI making decisions for me, but determine a strategy myself. The problem however is most sims don't provide the user much information (unless using third party apps apparently, or hours of practice), making the pitstop a bit of a gamble. For example, it's hard to know beforehand how long a pitstop will take precisely.
Ideally, a sim should display in-garage: the fuel usage for each lap, stop duration at the box (depending on refuelling/tire change), total time lost in the pitlane (so sector 3+1 when pitting vs when not pitting).
Pitstops should be done better. For now, I let the AI drive the car, cause I am often too busy being the 11th hour Crew Chief when I enter the pits. Not to mention having to throw away a lap in R3E due to having that God awful info graphic that takes up 1/3 of my screen, telling me that I made a pit request; and that I need to take a hand off the wheel and fiddle with my keyboard in order to get it to minimize.

I'd rather have adjustable preset scenarios that would have the AI tell me to come in for a pitstop. This should be adjustable before the race. Something like that would be better than the frustrating way pits are now handled.
I honestly think it is from my years as a karter, where I had to adjust the carburettor almost every lap, in addition I used to watch the RPM and split times during practice to see what worked or not. Also had to pay attention to the engine temp while racing.

When you get used to do these things while driving you dont lose focus or time doing it. I can easily adjust fuel, tyres etc. while driving in fact in the rF2 multiclass club events I dont bother setting up a pre-planned pit-stop I just change everything when racing, to the point where I do fuel calculations when driving.

It's just normal for me to have things to do when racing :) I like it.
Races must be figth in the track, pitstops are pure bullshit ( in real races and in simracing ), if the fuel tires or whatever wont last long enough for race, make shorter races but get rid of the "my team can swap wheels and put fuel in the tank faster than yours" or "im gonna pass this guy when he go to the pit..." no, no way, if you wanna pass someone, do it on the track not outside!!!

So nope, i dont enjoy pit stop strategy, i really hate pit stops with all my heart and put me out of my nerves, since allways i think the driving sports gonna be so much better without it and when the "most interesting" thing in a race and what can decide if someone win or lose is outside of the track, cut from the hands of the driver and put on a bunch of other guys... next time you watch a F1 race as example think about it.... 2 hours or boredom and everybody focused in the pit stop cos is when more "overpass" happen ( LOL ), if this is how they keep a race interesting... hey maybe they need to make a new sport where the winner of a "race" is the team who change the tires and refill the gas tank more times :D. Mmmmm but this sounds really boring and useless, maybe is not a good idea this kind of "sport" why the hell if you put into a race gonna sound better?

I'm on the opposite, I hate series with no pit stops, they add some drama, especially when there is nothing going on and simracing didn't evolve in this area, unfortunately. I wish we could have situations like this in sims (intead of ridiculous and sensenless ghosting)
If the sim allows it, I try to plan stops ahead of the race. But, an incident or yellow flag can throw that strategy out the window, and that's where I'd really like something more interactive like a virtual crew chief/engineer to at least help. Also, what if you have more pit stops than the pre-race menu allows you to plan for? I hate trying to navigate a menu and make selections while racing, and it also means I need to dedicate controls on my wheel to menu browsing where I'd rather have them for functions on the car itself. At the least I'd want to use voice to "call in" to my crew and ask for what service I want, and have them be smart enough to know how much fuel to put in to get through the race.

Having said that, I know the "Crew Chief" mod is out there and I keep forgetting to try it, and it appears to work with several sims. One thing I can't seem to find on their site is just what exactly does it DO? The FAQ doesn't appear to have a "What is Crew Chief? Well, it does:________" explanation. I mostly use RF2, I'm sure it does a lot more than announce lap times and yellow flags, but I'd like to see a list of all the features so I know what I'm adding into my sim.

On that note... using the power of search engines to find a Crew Chief review right now. But it would be nice to have something like a dynamic and interactive crew as a native part of sims in the near future. OH and specifically for RF2 - come on, there HAS TO BE a way to put a visible pit crew or ANYTHING better than the "red arrow" marking your pit box. It's hard to see at some tracks. Seriously some things in sims literally 20 years ago were better.
As for AI able to set up a car I am not sure what the issue is, other than a ton of work, but it should be possible. ACC for example in the rating does some type of monitoring inputs such as steering, throttle and measuring to some degree of tire slippage to get the Car Control. Furthermore the Consistency measurable obviously is taking into account your ability to...well be consistent. The developers must know what the optimum speed is for a car/track combo and some factor for the amount of tire wear, full load based on a default setup. So if you have what the fastest speed is and the variable factor for wear/weather etc.. and measure what inputs from the driver and the outputs of tire slippage and lap times it should be able to suggest certain adjustments, and more importantly tips such as the speed entry at turn 5 was excessive for optimum front wheel grip therefore resulted in under-steer, try braking earlier and hitting apex prior to making an adjustment.
And didn't F1/Codemasters try something like this some years ago where it would suggest making changes based on your driving performance?
I want my engineer to set up my car for me, and plan and manage the pit-stops/race strategy.

Im pretending to be a god damn race driver ffs, Do your jobs,

At least for the setup side of things the recent MotoGP games (of all things) actually have something like this, you can either directly edit your setup or go through a list of questions such as "I'm having trouble with wheelspin on corner exit" etc and the engineer will change things for you based on that feedback. There are a couple of standalone apps you can buy that pretty much do the same but for any sim but I still wish it was an official in-game thing for more sims.
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Would prefer games to have the set the tires to the weather default options, like pcars 2 or AMS2. Or I typically leave pit AI on so that I have time to change it.

Ideally, I do want F1 game's pit stops where the game does some of the work for you.
I mean, CrewChief does fuel calcs for you... I'm happy with that although one that would suggest strategies on the fly in a race would also be nice, I'll take one built into anything. I'd like a little more help with ACC tyre pressures but I can manage that myself.
For single player races, when you enter the pit box, the simulation should just stop and you should be able to comfortably take all the time you want to choose whatever needs to be done to your car. For multiplayer races, there should be some assistance from your AI Race Engineer to do most of the heavy lifting. Actually, you should have a check box option that would be like "Automated pit stop" where the AI takes over the responsibility of the pit stop and does what they think is best. Then, for the hardcore folks, there should be a "manual mode" where the user makes all the decisions with the understanding that the driver deals with all the nitty gritty.
For many years, I have thought the same thing: why can’t we pause the game to adjust our pit stop strategy? The fact that we have to do it « on the fly » in sims is not realistic at all.

I’ll take this even further: why can’t we have help to set up the car during practice sessions? The only game that I know of that offered this is Project Car 1. In some games, there are base setups, but in real life, drivers give their impressions to the race engineer and he sets up the car accordingly. This should be possible in every serious sim.
In terms of pitting there is no „better“ Game than AMS2

I plan the strategy, then drive 25 rounds in interlagos, come to the pits .....
And nothing happens :D. Another wasted lifetime
The game like to forget which strategy i make and everytime i have to fine tune it manually during the race :whistling:

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