Just hear me out. Now this is a big theory I have. I found myself watching videos of both project cars 3 and dirt 5 on YouTube a month or so ago and noticed some big similarities in their menus. Graphical "qualities" and other things.
I took the plunge and bought pcars3 out of pure curiosity as to what it was really like.
Then dirt5 became available on gamepass on xbox so have been playing that also. The photo modes. Menus. Car selection screens, graphics are all the same yet pcars3 apparently runs on the madness engine and dirt5 the onrush engine.
I took the plunge and bought pcars3 out of pure curiosity as to what it was really like.
Then dirt5 became available on gamepass on xbox so have been playing that also. The photo modes. Menus. Car selection screens, graphics are all the same yet pcars3 apparently runs on the madness engine and dirt5 the onrush engine.