Idea for RD Club event (Trial and Premium)

I had an idea which struck me the other night, which would give drivers an opportunity to learn car types, setups, tracks, driving lines, and driving styles.

The event would be run on a bi-weely basis through GTR-Evo/STCC, running on tracks and cars decided on by the participants. Each event would use a different car, and would be running on a different track.

With the following in place, each event will focus on a different base setup, base driving style, and basic skills as per each vehicle/track. Over the course of the program, each driver that participates will gain knowledge that can be put towards racing in the RD club, fairly and skillfully.

As for event structure. I was thinking the following:

120 minutes of practice (to allow for individual consultation for setup/driving)
30 minutes of ghosted qualifying (each driver is asked to push their hardest)
45 minute race (One formation lap, with the grid reversing on the S/F straight. Leading to a rolling start)***

I will explain the method being the race furhter down.

Each event practice starts with the instructor(s) running for 5-10 minutes (depending on length of track), with each other driver watching to learn a bit about the braking/acceleration points, and to get an idea of where the car needs to be each lap.

There would be one instructor for each 8 people signed up (tentative until first event happens). The instructor would give each driver attention to their driving, and how the car is reacting. With each driver, the setup will not be given, but a quick briefing on which changes should be made and why, based on driver feedback and requests. After the car has been tweaked slightly, the instructor will proceed to watch the driver who is being consulted at the time. The practice session is basically a way of each driver learning and adapting to each car type's handling and the setup methods with the assistance of the instructor. I feel this will help each participant be a more solid all around consistent driver for running in the club enviroment in whatever cars are being run in the club events.

The qualifying is going to be an all out run for all drivers. They are asked to push 100% and try and score the fastest laps possible.

***The race is another training excercise in my mind. Lately passing, over aggresiveness, and lack of respect on the track has caused some turmoil in the RD racing club. Hence why the race will be reverse order to qualifying. At the start of the race on the S/F line straight each driver will be responsible for getting themselves in their reversed positions with the help of the instructors directions. The instructor will be on the sidelines with the correct order in hand and will call out where each person needs to be. Once the field is set the now new pole sitter will lead them off at a pace of 60-80km/h with a space of no less then 3 car lengths and not an unreasonable amount behind the car in front of you (similar to RDGTC). As the cars proceed out of the final corner that is when the race begins.

The idea behind reversing the order is to put the faster drivers behind the slower drivers for a fairly lengthy race. What this does in my mind is makes the faster drivers learn to pass cleanly, and remain patient. But also, the slower drivers have to keep focus as they are aware the faster drivers are coming and this will help them keep calm when being overtaken.

Its my opinion right now that not all the incidents of late in the RD club races are only the fault of the fast and impatient, but also of the slower drivers who are erratic while being overtaken. Hopefully this idea for an event can help solve that.

As this is simple a training exercise the winner of each event is everyone for participating. For if each is willing to learn and try new things, the knowledge gained will hopefully help you win a real racing event.

This is my proposal for an event, and I am 100% dedicated to making this work in anyway shape or form. I would gladly devote myself for these events to being an instructor, and would love to solicite the assistance of the legends of RD to also help out as driving instructors.

I am posting this now to get feedback and a show of interest from the club members who would participate in something like this. Any responses, questions, and ideas are appreciated.

Keith Barrick

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