Ideas to improve dark color scheme

These are very small suggestions, but hopefully helpful.

I usually use the dark theme on the site for the sake of my eyes, but actually prefer the colorful nature of the light theme that makes certain objects pop. For instance, on the light theme:
  • Square buttons like "Subscribe" and "Create post" are navy blue, thus popping nicely off the white screen, and are more 'discoverable' for the user
  • Links in posts are coloured red, and thus stand out nicely
In general, to me, the various visual elements of the site seem a bit better differentiated in light mode than in dark mode. I would love it if in dark mode, links were still coloured red, and if major buttons were a significantly different colour than the rest of the site background (e.g. white with dark text).

This may just be my opinion though! Interested in others' thoughts.