If you have no FF on a Thrustmaster wheel in AMS, try this....

It was only recently that this has been a problem, can't recall exactly when it started.Might have been after one of the Win10 updates.I'm currently on Win10 1809
I have a Thrustmaster Rallye GT wheel and with drivers after FFD1 2017(including this one), i have no FF in AMS.Tried the latest, FFD1 2018 and again, no FF.
In other sims, FF is fine with any driver.
I was even thinking it was some setting in Real Feel i was missing, so kept trying different things there.

Anyway, i had some older Thrusty drivers so tried FFD4 2016, and FF was back.
So i would suggest trying older drivers, if you have FF problems with Thrusty wheels, like mine