Ok, I'm sorry but based on these video's, I see bad driving on the part of the live user. If you're approaching a car quickly, common sense should tell you to slow down. If a car is trying to re-enter the race and you keep driving in his direction instead of taking offensive measures to avoid him, tha'ts your fault, not the AI. I mean what do you guys want? I'd rather have AI that is a bit unpredictable than to all drive a train line around the track.
I will admit there are some situations in ANY GAME where the AI will be erractic but I also know when a collision is my fault vs the AI struggling in that particular situation. Not having a triple screen setup, there are times when I cut off the AI and they aren't always able to slow down enough before hitting me...that's all on me. The flip side is when I get rear ended while braking for a tight turn or chicane, say t1 at Monza or t2 at Red Bull ring. A lot of times when I get rear ended, it's because I broke way too early or too much. I look at those occasions as learning opportunities to get faster.
At the end of the day, it's AI. No AI is going to be able to perfectly anticipate the movements of a real person. Hell, run some races in Iracing or any multi player sim and tell me that those drivers are head and shoulders above AI. Unless you're in top split in Iracing where the truly fast and experienced people race, I can tell you that their are just as many "what the hell" moments going on, just look at any replay vids on YouTube.
Every racing book or article that I've read all talk about track awareness and learning your opponents. Even when I run with the AI, I sit back and try and learn where they are braking and what line they are taking, just as I would with a live person. I have found that with most AI's, you will see a pattern if you sit behind them for a few laps. After that, you can then plan your attack....just like you would a live person. And I try to always be prepared for the AI losing control of it's car....just like i would, racing a live person (situational awareness).
I think some people need to have more realistic expectations from sims/AI. There's a big difference between virtual and reality...just like there is a difference between pro and rookie.