Increase Headlight Range

I guess you could just turn them brighter? I don't know how much that influences the distance though. But if some go further than others (I usually don't do night races) this could mean that the overall brighness of your headlights is too low.
I guess you could just turn them brighter? I don't know how much that influences the distance though. But if some go further than others (I usually don't do night races) this could mean that the overall brighness of your headlights is too low.
And could you explain how to do that? Do you mean the brightness from Lighting FX in CSP?
In your lights.ini you will see the hex color code for every light source, like break light, head lights or tail lights. White usually is something like 255,255,255. So 255 is the maximum one of the threee entries can have as a color. But according to the Assetto Corsa pipeline, increasing the first digit by 100 or more will make it brighter, so 655 for example.

Take for example the Porsche 911 RSR, the lights.ini says


So they increased the number from 250,0,0 here to 550,0,0 to make it brighter.

I am currently fighting some shader issues with my rear light glass, so I won't see much light coming through anyways, but when I increased that value the ground behind the car became much brighter. Perhaps that also works for the distance, who knows?
I was also experimenting with LightingFX settings to try and get some futher range - I thought maybe higher bounced light would do something but it appears that's light on the car rather than returned from objects. Auto-exposure will probably not help matters. If the lighting is done by projecting an actual cone ( an invisible one like a collision mesh is ) onto the scene then any extra distance is going to come from some lateral thinking, but I've not actually started poking the mechanics yet.

CSP is generally awesome, but LightingFX is the oldest part of it iirc & I think needs a little love for at least headlights - there's no actual beam as such resembling a light through a lens. I believe various map options are in the todo list, just needs to make it's way to the top.

550 is an unexpectedly high number for part of an RGB set. Unsigned 8-bit max is 256, using more than that seems serious overkill.
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