IndyCar: St. Pete Race Discussion Thread

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? Watched the whole race. No issues. What are you talking about?

Then you'd be not telling the truth. PT, Townsend Bell and the other commentator were apologizing for a 5 minute black-out, while providing audio feedback of the race that sounded like it was coming from an AM radio.
So no, you didn't watch the whole race.
As a swede, this will be the first season that I'll follow. Not only because of the two swedes in the championship (but yes, it is a big part of it) but also because for the first time since Bräck, I can watch it. They haven't showed Indy Car on Swedish channels/streams since Bräcks era, and now finally I can watch it without hassle and illegal methods (not a fan or pirating, I don't care if you guys do that, but I don't).

As for the weekend thus far, absolutely awesome to see Rosenqvist top 3 i qualy! I'm quite sure that Rosenqvist is the better driver the two, not saying that Ericsson is bad, but Rosenqvist is really good. He just never got the F1-ticket that Ericsson got. Hope for the best of both of them.

On a side note, aren't you guys annoyed that the graphics with the time takes up ~25% of the screen? It feels really clunky and lots of wasted space. F1s and MotoGPs feels so much more clean and effective. Lots of just filler grey, the names and numbers are huge (but the numbers are hard to read on some) and why have a huge timing-screen far from the edges (~120 pixels from the right edge on a 1080 screen) down in the right corner? They really need to update their looks, this looks like worse than F1 did back in ~2001

Yanks are often bad at this kind of design. They should put a Swede in charge of the HUD since we love minimalistic but functional design, lol. :D
Yup. And, durge went and edited his post hours after now to include this addition to St. Pete. Little to his unknowing, there are NO replays for indycar on Youtube in 2019. Perhaps he should have thought about that hours after he edited his post.

When indycars highest rated race last year got an embarrassing 0.3, you'd think they want more people to see the sport. Instead, the Hulman/Georges greed shines bright.


Second time you said that, second time you got the decimal in the wrong place. The Indianapolis 500 had a 3.1 rating last year, last I checked that was still an IndyCar race. St. Pete was .81, Indy GP was .55, Detroit 1 was .55, Detroit 2 was .63. I think those are all above 0.3?

And yes, heaven forbid a company try to earn a profit on their product. The GREED!!! :rolleyes:
Then you'd be not telling the truth. PT, Townsend Bell and the other commentator were apologizing for a 5 minute black-out, while providing audio feedback of the race that sounded like it was coming from an AM radio.
So no, you didn't watch the whole race.
Bwaaaahhaha! You guys are too much really. Screen goes black for a couple minutes and you're like "This is ridiculous! The whole world has gone black! IndyCar sucks!! Lol. Sounds like you hate American sports and IndyCar. So don't watch it. You were talking like the program came to end an hour early or something. But hey we're on a sim-racing site. So...we have haters, complainers etc, etc. You know, like usual. Who can bear it?
Second time you said that, second time you got the decimal in the wrong place. The Indianapolis 500 had a 3.1 rating last year, last I checked that was still an IndyCar race. St. Pete was .81, Indy GP was .55, Detroit 1 was .55, Detroit 2 was .63. I think those are all above 0.3?

Your numbers a complete lie. Lets take it from SportsMediaWatch instead of you throwing unsupported numbers out.
2018 was a down year for Indycar ratings, but the season ended on a bright note last weekend.

Last Sunday’s IndyCar Series finale from Sonoma (Ca.) earned a 0.38 rating and 629,000 viewers on NBCSN, up 15% in ratings and 19% in viewership from last year (0.33, 528K) and up 12% and 17% respectively from 2016 (0.34, 536K).
It was the highest rated and most-watched edition of the race since 2015 (0.53, 841K).

The full IndyCar season averaged 465,000 viewers on NBCSN, down 8% from last year (507K), down 5% from 2016 (492K) and the smallest average since 2014.

So the numbers you pulled out of thin air are a complete falsehood. Again, the highest race in 2018 was a 0.3(8) NOT your unsupported false numbers you claim.

AND for comparison, even Nascars Xfinity garnered 1,164,000 viewers / 0.74
Thats, AAA series scoring over a million.
AND guess what - yesterdays race earned a 0.38 for the start of indycars season. And those are OVERNIGHT numbers. Final numbers, usually show up wed-thursday Always go down when the big market numbers come in. So I'm guessing indycar is starting off with a 0.3 - Thats not good no matter how you slice it.
Your numbers a complete lie. Lets take it from SportsMediaWatch instead of you throwing unsupported numbers out.
2018 was a down year for Indycar ratings, but the season ended on a bright note last weekend.

Last Sunday’s IndyCar Series finale from Sonoma (Ca.) earned a 0.38 rating and 629,000 viewers on NBCSN, up 15% in ratings and 19% in viewership from last year (0.33, 528K) and up 12% and 17% respectively from 2016 (0.34, 536K).
It was the highest rated and most-watched edition of the race since 2015 (0.53, 841K).

The full IndyCar season averaged 465,000 viewers on NBCSN, down 8% from last year (507K), down 5% from 2016 (492K) and the smallest average since 2014.

So the numbers you pulled out of thin air are a complete falsehood. Again, the highest race in 2018 was a 0.3(8) NOT your unsupported false numbers you claim.

AND for comparison, even Nascars Xfinity garnered 1,164,000 viewers / 0.74
Thats, AAA series scoring over a million.

Did you read the article? This is a quote directly from it:

"ABC averaged a 1.2 rating and 1.82 million viewers for its five races"

Here's the link to the full season ratings info.
Round 1 - St. Pete - 3/11/2018 - 12:30 PM - ABC

2018 - 1,144,000 viewers - 278,000 age 18-49 - 0.81 household rating

Round 5 - Indy GP - 5/12/2018 - 3:30 PM - ABC

2018 - 780,000 viewers - 181,000 age 18-49 - 0.55 household rating

Round 6 - Indy 500 - 5/27/2018 - 11:00 AM - ABC

2018 - 4,910,000 viewers - 928,000 age 18-49 - 3.08 household rating

Round 7 - Detroit Saturday - 6/2/2018 - 3:30 PM - ABC

2018 - 751,000 viewers - 189,000 age 18-49 - 0.55 household rating

Round 8 - Detroit Sunday - 6/3/2018 - 3:30 PM - ABC

2018 - 936,000 viewers - 212,000 age 18-49 - 0.63 household rating

And here's a link showing The 500 had a 3.1 (4.9 million viewers) rating, from the same website you linked to.

IndyCar ratings are far below most other motorsports in the U.S., and they dropped last year for the first time in a few years. You don't need to exaggerate to prove that point, so I'm not sure where this "highest rated race last year got an embarrassing 0.3" comment comes from since all five ABC races were far above that and 6 of the NBCSN races were slightly above 0.3.
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Were not talking about the 500, dont you see that or are you just playing 'unsmart'?
Some link to a message board lol

SportsBuisness said 2018 ratings were down. DOWN. Not up or anything like that.
And see, this is where that mythical "indycar is gaining momentum" comes from. IF YOU CALL momentum going down then I'd understand.

And when the final comes out for the Season Opener its looking to be a 0.3 - THATS horrid and everyone knows when infomercials get higher ratings then the product your show casing, your in deep trouble.

AND THE indy500??! Well its the 2018 LOWEST TV RATING in its entire history the race has run and it keeps falling downward.
Were not talking about the 500, dont you see that or are you just playing 'unsmart'?

Your quote was that their highest rated race last year was a 0.3. The 500 is an IndyCar race, it scored higher than 0.3 so your comment was incorrect. Why would The 500 not count?

SportsBuisness said 2018 ratings were down. DOWN. Not up or anything like that.

Did anyone say they were up? I certainly didn't, I only said your comment of no races getting higher than 0.3 rating was incorrect, which it is.

And see, this is where that mythical "indycar is gaining momentum" comes from. IF YOU CALL momentum going down then I'd understand.

Again, I never said that. But they do have several new teams this year, new drivers, a couple big new sponsorships, a new TV deal, and we already have 33 confirmed for the 500 and it's barely March, so it's hard to say their momentum is going down.

And when the final comes out for the Season Opener its looking to be a 0.3 - THATS horrid and everyone knows when infomercials get higher ratings then the product your show casing, your in deep trouble.

That's right on par with what their ratings have been on NBCSN for the last 4-5 years, so I'm failing to see what the issue is, nor do I see any "deep trouble" (at least no more than there has been for the last 5-10 years). Sonoma scored a 0.38 last year, same as St. Pete and on the same network, and it was the 4th highest watched Sonoma broadcast ever (got that right from your link). So why is that 0.38 good and St. Pete's 0.38 "deep trouble"? I don't recall anybody saying IndyCar had good ratings, if they did they're mistaken, so I'm really not sure what you're ranting about.
So why is that 0.38 good and St. Pete's 0.38 "deep trouble"?

YOU again missed it. the 0.38 was last years final number.
The 0.38 this year is the Over Night Number, and when the big markets come in with the final number - FINAL number is always lower then the overnight.

That again, and will show a downward trend when the final numbers come out at the end of the week.
Here is what they are doing to try to improve the numbers and get more people to watch Motorsport. This is a Forbes magazine article from this morning and may be of interest to those who want to know about the business of Motorsport and Media:

Great article. However, he is missing something very important. Motocross is way up, F1 last year was far up, the NHRA last year was way up and the first three NASCAR races this year are up.
indycars St.Pete overnight number this past weekend is a 0.38 - when the final numbers come in at the end of the week, finals (big markets) are always lower then overnights.

SoI'm guessing 0.3 - that means indycar is the only motorsport that isn't growing in numbers.
I'll keep it short, no need to go any farther. In short,"2018 was a down year for Indycar ratings" -Sports Business Journal.

That is NOT on par, thats down. Down is down, but you fail to take in what the Journal said.

Let's look at the numbers. According to this post from 2017 from IndyCar, combined with your link, the 2015 average viewership was a record high at 510k. The 2016 average NBCSN viewership was 490k. For 2017 that number grew slightly to 500k as the average viewership. For 2018 it dropped a bit down to 465k. So the four year average ending in 2018 was right around 490k. Obviously the share numbers can vary but from that link we can see that 488k produced a 0.32 rating, so let's say 500k would be 0.33-0.34. A 0.38 would actually be above average then, even if it did drop a little bit once all the numbers rolled in, which would put it "on par" on in the same ballpark with typical NBCSN viewership. Indeed, 2018 was a down year after several years of slight growth, I've never questioned that or stated otherwise.

YOU again missed it. the 0.38 was last years final number.
The 0.38 this year is the Over Night Number, and when the big markets come in with the final number - FINAL number is always lower then the overnight.

That again, and will show a downward trend when the final numbers come out at the end of the week.

Again, where did I ever say the numbers aren't on a downward trend? I never disagreed with you on that point, in fact I agreed several times. I only pointed out that the "all races had less than 0.3 rating" statement was not accurate, then I just sat back and watched you work yourself into a frenzy.
OK fair enough ;) 2018 was heading downward, we agree. And St. Pete this year is looking like a 0.3 when it comes out on Thursday. We are not going to argue about whats after the tenth number, thats stupid and can indicate number rounding.
OK fair enough ;) 2018 was heading downward, we agree. And St. Pete this year is looking like a 0.3 when it comes out on Thursday. We are not going to argue about whats after the tenth number, thats stupid and can indicate number rounding.

Damn! For someone who claims to be down on IndyCar, you're sure taking up a lot of the pages in this forum. We get your message. IndyCar is dead, blah, blah, blah! How about the race itself? It was a good race (not a great race) with some interesting strategies. A couple of very promising young drivers, Felix and Colton, looking quite good. As far as IndyCar losing ovals, as someone else said, The 500, Texas, and Iowa will remain. That's enough for me.
you guys are having a damn boring arguement :roflmao:
Yup, it sounds like they do a theatrical play of the tv licencing meetings or sth. :p

I will now recite a comment i just made on a Youtube video (imagine a low voice and big reverb on a big stage):
"Isn´t motorsport in general dead ?! Real and virtual ?! It´s just a niche sport, when looking from outside the box we´re all sitting in it seems." :whistling:
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