Inexpensive transducers for simvibe


Right on Brother, I hear ya, it's all good.
Some of the guys in the club were asking about some affordable transducers for Simvibe.

I have $50 sub and the 4 pack 16 0hm minis ($44) drive in 2 zones by 2 - $20 lepai amps and not even close to using all the power. Actually just the large shaker and one amp would be sufficient but....

The company that makes the transducers is Dayton Audio but the best price is from Parts Express
Have fun.
Well I got everything installed. The buttkicker and simvibe work great, so tweaking the details. I rigged up a simple mount for the shifter and the pedals. It really does add a sense of immersion. My TH8A shifter does rattle a bit, but I love feeling it vibrate based on rpm and shifting. I'm glad I did it.

By the way, I have two pucks bridged on one channel for the pedals, and a single for the shifter, is that OK? Both are on the same amp.
Great to hear, in regards to the uneven ohm load. That is not a problem as long as both loads are higher than minimum rating. I think with that amp it is 2-8 ohms, correct?
if so anything above 2 ohms on either channel is OK. Same if it's a 4 ohm or 8 ohm as long as your not going below. BTW the term bridged is when you have an amp that is bridgeable in that case you would use positive from one channel and negative from another, just so ya know.:)
Guys, I got my


I don't know how to compare it to the others that are popular, but i am more then happy with it. Vibes are heavy, powerful and the effect is amazing.

If i can say one negative thing :. AMP has a DISCO LIGHT around volume, it annoys the hell out of me, other than that it works grate.


SimVibe don't seem to work for me !
I have Asus Sabertooth P67
Win 8.1

SimVibe simply can not see any hardware outputs at all !
I have wireless headset setup, and i have onboard audio.
Both show in my windows config. I set it up just like the manual requires/inside sim racing video too.
nothing... my hardware output is BLANK!!!

HELP! @JeffL
Guys, I got my


I don't know how to compare it to the others that are popular, but i am more then happy with it. Vibes are heavy, powerful and the effect is amazing.

If i can say one negative thing :. AMP has a DISCO LIGHT around volume, it annoys the hell out of me, other than that it works grate.


SimVibe don't seem to work for me !
I have Asus Sabertooth P67
Win 8.1

SimVibe simply can not see any hardware outputs at all !
I have wireless headset setup, and i have onboard audio.
Both show in my windows config. I set it up just like the manual requires/inside sim racing video too.
nothing... my hardware output is BLANK!!!

HELP! @JeffL

Do you have a separate sound card or device for your standard sound? I just re-formatted my computer to Windows 7 as I saw some negative marks regarding a lag in Windows 8. But if you have a separate sound device you just have to be sure to configure the device as a "quadphonic" device.
I did all that Matt.
I use Steelseries Wireless H headphones with dedicated usb sound card for my sound and ONBOARD asus sabertooth P67 soundcard for simvibe, but it does not find ANYHING ... not any sound card at all...
I had nothing but trouble with win8 ... i am thinking of rolling back to 7.
I have Zero experience with win8, to me it's just like vista, a slapped up version of 7 to take advantage of touch screen., I would wait till 10.
Lets try this first, open control center- go to settings tab- scroll down to "Sim Device manager, first tab is "Output Devices"- check Simbibe extensions click on it and to the right it Says Simvibe Sound Card with pull down menu.
Are you using Simvibe 3 or the beta 4 of Simvibe? I tested my setup under windows 8 and it worked fine once I installed the separate sound card. Random thought, as you are doing this setup, do you have your headphones plugged in? I don't think simvibe will like it if your default Windows media device is the same card you are trying to setup simvibe with.
I am using SimVibe 3, and i am using Evaluation period, so i did not buy license yet.
I am wondering if that could be the issue.
I use my ONBOARD soundcard for my transducer, and it works fine in windows.
SimVibe CAN see it, when i do wizzard setup, but as soon i am done with "wizzard" the sound card is not present in the simVibe settings !
I think you have to find a balance between sturdy and being able to amplify the signal. If its. 14 gauge stock steel it might not vibrate well, so think of it like a diving board. If you strike it right where it's attached you get very little spring, but hit it right at the end and oh boy, huge cannonball coming. boing:D You just have to experiment a little. If it's just a set of plastic based pedals, attach it to the base and somehow bridge the pedals off the floor with a couple pieces of stout rubber,or wood strips, get the idea.?

So here's my idea. I am using a basic wheel stand with my CLP v2's mounted to two tubes with bolts and metal straps on the base. I think I'll get a 1/4" piece of plywood cut to mount the pedals to. I'll cut two round holes to mount the pucks to in the plywood, then mount the plywood to my base and isolate it from the frame with some rubber spacers.
I am using SimVibe 3, and i am using Evaluation period, so i did not buy license yet.
I am wondering if that could be the issue.
I use my ONBOARD soundcard for my transducer, and it works fine in windows.
SimVibe CAN see it, when i do wizzard setup, but as soon i am done with "wizzard" the sound card is not present in the simVibe settings !

That's your problem. You cannot setup the sound card under trial. You have to buy the software.
This is stupid... If it is "evaluation period" how can i evaluate software if it wont allow me to evaluate the evaluation of the evaluating software... what i mean is : evaluation should give FULL ACCESS to the software for a limited period of time... :/

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