F1 2017 Input lag with t150

F1 2017 The Game (Codemasters)
I experience some kind of input lag within f1 2017, it's to some extend undrivable (15ms). I had the same problem in f1 2016, even though it wasnt as present as it is now. I have tried different graphics settings and at about 180 fps it seems to be acceptable, the problem is that my graphics need to be turned all the way down in oder to achive this:/ (gtx 680 2gb). Is there some way to reduce the input lag without ruining my graphical experience? Its really annoying and I havent experienced anything similar in other sims (e.g. Automobilsita) with the same framerate of about 100fps
I ran a benchmark test on my current graphics settings and it claimed that I had a frame latency of about 10- 15 ms, when looking at the screen it's somewhat closer to 25-30 ms, but thats hardware (monitor) releated and as you mentioned barely noticable
As long as you can't notice it, it shouldn't be a problem. I mean: 30ms is 0.03s, it's very tiny, but probably enough to be a problem (at 300kmh when you turn/brake, your car travel 2.5m more before receiving your inputs).
Maybe I always had the same delay, but I played for years in racing games and it never was an issue for me, specially in Codies games where the physics engine probably has a refresh rate slower than your input lag.
This is same issue that i have in F1 2016, Dirt Rally and Dirt 4, it has something to do with usb drivers. Do you have a usb hub installed or some other usb controller than wheel?
I dont have this issues with F1 2017 anymore, but older games suffer this if i use my dlink usb hub for my shifter and led display, just wheel connected this issue is gone in those older games.
And this only happens in Codemaster games for me

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