Inside and Outside Sounds Porsche RSR2017

Running the above car with a nice sound mod and really like the outside the cockpit sounds - know its not realistic but anyway to get them running inside the cockpit?
thanks for the reply and yes I use custom shader patch!
but just went into CSP - general patch settings - there is an audio section (which includes options such as "fix stereo sound in VR" but can't see any use exterior sound everywhere option? - where exactly is it in the menu's and what version of CSP are you using?
I'm on p140, some options might be missing on older versions. IIRC use interior everywhere was the last to be introduced.
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just checked and my CM is on P49 as its the "recommended version" it does not have the use external sound option...….?
will try p140 but how do I update to it? - is it simply a case of clicking in the circle next to the version and it will update - I also see a delete patch button and reinstall current version so what's the best way to do it? (have the same question if I want to revert back to p49?)
Yes, just click the circle to go back and forth between versions. Don't worry about delete or reinstall if you didn't tamper with patch files. On later versions, you might want to disable "add reflections to roads" under track adjustments if you don't like the effect under some time/weather combinations (track noticeably reflecting the sky).