Internet issues, "Synchronising Game"

Recently the computer has been having this issue in Evo particularly. The issue at hand is that the game repeatedly says "Synchronising Game" and sometimes shows a ping beside it which can go from 20ms to 490ms. Also, I see the opponent's cars jumping wildly all over the place and others have told me that I have terrible lag. I tried TF2 but pings were in the 20s and no issues... Very weird.
This happened to me a long time ago, but have no idea how it was resolved. Made sure Anti virus was shut down and various other tasks, but nadda. Race directors are getting a little tee'd off with me over it, so I really need it fixed.

Have a quick check of your firewall software and router and open the ports for the game:

TCP+UDP 48942 - 48957
UDP 26900 - 26907
UDP 48958 - 48973

These ports are aimed at if you are doing a server but they seem to help when playing also.
It could be isp related. If your isp doesn't have constant bit rates the game can't adapt. I've seen people with pings of nearly 500, but are fine. Probably because their data rates are consistent. Cabling problems inside your house can also be a source. As to services I have everything shut off unless it's absolutely necessary for Windows.

Good luck!
Recently the computer has been having this issue in Evo particularly. The issue at hand is that the game repeatedly says "Synchronising Game" and sometimes shows a ping beside it which can go from 20ms to 490ms. Also, I see the opponent's cars jumping wildly all over the place and others have told me that I have terrible lag.

although it wasent quite as bad as you describe, i had very simular problems. and i spent hours and hours trying to fix it, changing settings on my pc and getting my ISP to increase/decrease my upload/download speeds.
in the end when i brought my new pc all the erratic pings and lagging cars was gone. so the only thing i can think it was was my on board lan was acting up or because my CPU ran at 100% when playing Evo that some how caused lagg in the game.
if this sounds simular to your problem you could fit a Ethernet card, i think this would have fixed my problems.

unless your are using wireless, like Ben posted if yes then ignore my post lol
I am using wireless (through a USB dongle) but never caused problems before. I might have to move the router back upstairs. A vius scan threw up nothing, so I suppos I could just try a reinstall.

Cheers guys, I'll keep you posted.
Hmmm, LAN drivers. I have no idea how to get them, or what ones to use.

-I have a Pirelli router (forgot the name of the company) router my dad got from work, works well.
-I don't understand hat you mean by 'mode', Ben. It's a Netopia USB dongle that picks up a wireless connection :p
-I have a PCI slot, yes. May look into investing in one of those.

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