Iowa Speedway 2022 Indycar Skin

Tracks Iowa Speedway 2022 Indycar Skin 2.0

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Rockyrule updated Iowa Speedway 2022 Indycar Skin with a new update entry:

Final Update. Cleaned up a few things

This is the final update of this track skin I will do, as the race is on today and I dont plan on going back to this project.

I added more realistic logo layouts on the infield grass. My original ones I did back in May werent too far off real life, but now I have them down perfect based off yesterday's broadcast

I also added a victory lane as well as the textures permit

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Nice. Thx. Not demanding anything just suggesting, would it be possible to pls make the track surface look more realistic!? Not sure if is that is possible but it would be another massive improvement imo. ;-)