iRacing Member Car & Track Content (What do you own?)

Daz has organized a spreadsheet where RD members can enter what car / track content that they have. Which will help out in knowing what content everyone has for possible future RD club / league events. Thanks to Pedro for the idea of this spreadsheet as well.

Here is the link:

Simple format. Enter your first and last name and place an X next to the car or track that you may have. That's it! :)

Thanks to Daz for creating this for our RD iRacing Members!
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A few updates.

I've added a load more columns to allow new members to iRacing to add their names to the sheet, with appropriate content details.

NOTE: No need to add the 'stock' content as this will appear automatically when you add your name in the appropriate cells.

Also added Langley Speedway to the list of track content.


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