General Is it possible to dinamically change AI Level/Aggression with a script.lua?

I (a complete newbie in ac scripting) have looked at the lua-sdk files on github and I have noticed that this is in the tools lib:

---Changes AI level. Use `ac.getCar(carIndex).aiLevel` to get current value.
---@param carIndex integer @0-based car index.
---@param level number @AI level from 0 to 1.
function physics.setAILevel(carIndex, level) end

However, is this already available to use or should we wait for the final .79 release?

My long date dream is to have a racing game where the AI level "randomizes" within a range so that they don't drive the same way every lap. It would be way more realistic the AI has some great laps and some not good, and have different AI consistencies too.