Is "rubbing" racing?

Tim Ling

It's a million-to-1 chance, but it just might work
What are the rules on contact in races? Is it strict no contact? Or what is considered "rubbing" and what is ramming? What happens when there is accidental contact?
If its full on contact, were you are forced off the track or finish being punted off the track the rules are as follows:

The person who has git you is to slow down till you regain your postion infront of him, let you get settled and then you can both continue as normal.
Great question!

I would only add that accidental/incidental contact in a close racing situation is one thing, i.e. truly "rubbin". As people say "that's racing"... But, hitting cars from behind because of following too closely, or sticking your nose in where you don't really have the corner isn't good. The driver behind definitely has the right to overtake and the guy in front definitely has right to defend(within reason). But, the overtaking driver has the responsibility to do so safely. Watch for weakness, pick a spot, set him up, and then take him cleanly. There's always another corner...:)
Thanks for that. At the moment I'm having problems staying on the track. Part of the problem is remembering it's a SIM, and part of it is using an auto gearbox.

"Why are you using an auto box Tim?" you cry, aghast at my wierdness!

Well the right hand isn't too good atm, as I had a stroke. But I agree, the auto gearbox is not much good, so I've some experimentation to do I believe.
Thanks for that. At the moment I'm having problems staying on the track. Part of the problem is remembering it's a SIM, and part of it is using an auto gearbox.

"Why are you using an auto box Tim?" you cry, aghast at my wierdness!

Well the right hand isn't too good atm, as I had a stroke. But I agree, the auto gearbox is not much good, so I've some experimentation to do I believe.

Hang in there man! There's a lot of brain work and fine motor control involved. It could be good therapy. Though not the same thing, I had shoulder surgery last year(still not complete recovery) and think it helped.
Thanks for that. At the moment I'm having problems staying on the track. Part of the problem is remembering it's a SIM, and part of it is using an auto gearbox.

"Why are you using an auto box Tim?" you cry, aghast at my wierdness!

Well the right hand isn't too good atm, as I had a stroke. But I agree, the auto gearbox is not much good, so I've some experimentation to do I believe.

Hi Tim ... welcome :thumb:
Knowing that you are forced into the more disadvantaged situation of driving one handed, and with auto gears, I reckon that most folk here would be more lenient towards a few knocks and minor driving errors, and probably also allow you a little more track space so that you can make them.

Especially in the beginning though, you will need to let people you are racing against know your situation if you want such consideration (maybe in the sign up thread for races?).

They (we) are a competitive bunch though, so if you start going too quickly, then the leniency will be over and it'll be "race on" buddeee :D
  • Edward Leake

I must say I can be an aggressive racer, I never intentionally punt people and nore do I ram, but regurlarly I love tap and swap paint to squeeze by or to make a point I'm there.

I find my biggest concerns following the car in front and they brake early, I often scrabble around hard on the brakes trying to avoid their slowing cars... this is especially true in iRacing where I seem to have notched up a gear in speed.

I get the same in return, it's good fun when it's close and gritty, so long as no one ends up upside down because of it! :)
Hi Tim ... welcome :thumb:
Knowing that you are forced into the more disadvantaged situation of driving one handed, and with auto gears, I reckon that most folk here would be more lenient towards a few knocks and minor driving errors, and probably also allow you a little more track space so that you can make them.

Especially in the beginning though, you will need to let people you are racing against know your situation if you want such consideration (maybe in the sign up thread for races?).

They (we) are a competitive bunch though, so if you start going too quickly, then the leniency will be over and it'll be "race on" buddeee :D

Thanks for the encouragement guys, though I don't want too much leniency.

Hang in there man! There's a lot of brain work and fine motor control involved. It could be good therapy. Though not the same thing, I had shoulder surgery last year(still not complete recovery) and think it helped.

I hope it does, but right now I'm suffering from spasticity in my right arm, which means the muscles that make a fist are working ALL the time, even when I'm trying to open the hand. Hopefully I'll be getting botox in the arm, which should help.
Anyway, I'll be ordering Evo on Friday, gimme a week and I'll be signing up for some races:D
was meaning ... "awareness" rather than leniency :wink:

Maybe in a similar way to what someone (Chris Noble?) posted in another thread about people using keyboards or joypad controllers - he gives them more space because they tend to need a bit more space ... similarly the auto gearbox may require different braking distances / levels of acceleration, or even generate a little instability mid-corner or the like when compared to a manual one ... ??

Looking forward to seeing you on track, good luck with the recuperation too, if nothing else, this place will bring you hours of good and usually fairly honest fun :wink:
  • Christian Dorsey

rubbing with room for the other guy, okay but pushing off the line or bumping or punting a no no.
  • Gonzalo Diez

A good driver is better that a fast driver.
Those who push you off are fast drivers, like if they would die if they are not the first on next lap.

I give a famous driving lesson for all drivers: "Keep a Cool Head"
No in-game feature ... but to quote the forum rules of conduct (available here: RaceDepartment Forums - Forum Rules):

"If you hit another driver and disadvantage him, and you think it is your fault, we expect you stop and let the other driver regain his position on you. If this costs you many places (eg first few laps) then consider this a penalty for your driving infringement. Doing this shows respect to your fellow drivers and will encourage drivers to be more careful. Please use some care when letting the other driver regain position, do not immediately stop your car on the driving line where it can cause further accidents."
I think the hardest part will be getting back onto the track after one of my frequent o***. With the AI drivers they ALWAYS punt me up the rear no matter how far away I thought they were.
I can see a new sig:
Tim Ling- consistently last throughout 2008/09 :D
I think that there is no excuse for running into the back of someone when racing. You always hear "they braked early" so what, if you watch them for a couple of corners you will see when they brake compared to you and adjust accordingly and outbrake them. I understand that early on in the race there is the likelyhood or contact but once thing settle down then the contact should be minimum and none from behind.


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