Is Sim Traxx dead?


Looks like it.
they are probably just following their first semester business school handbook on stirring some attention before launching the new website under a slightly different name. So in essence they are trolling
they are probably just following their first semester business school handbook on stirring some attention before launching the new website under a slightly different name. So in essence they are trolling

and you see, I was at least partly right.

Going by this facebook posts it seems like "they" somewhat threat us with leaving AC modding for good. Maybe it's just part of internal issues, like the modellers of all the "beta" tracks asking for more money, and Mister Simtraxx threatening them with "aha, watch out, or I stop working with you altogether!" in the form of that facebook post. Or the RIP post was that and they came to no agreement.
Going by what we have seen of those guy(s) anything can happen, just bundled up in business speak. For all I know the entity that is Simtraxx, always speaking as "we", is a single guy managing and trying to profit from a group of modellers. And every upload in recent times, like the weirdly made Transfagarasan update, was just a straight pass through of whatever the modeller send to the manager, because he himself does no modelling or modding himself.

Of course, all of this is just pure speculation on my part.
...and if all of this 'RIP Simtraxx' nonsense was just some clickbait attention-grab then I rather think it's backfired, because newsletter subscribers now seem to be sharing the track links with anyone who'll have them. I mean, if the project is dead then it's very hard to annoy a corpse, isn't it..?
This appears to be some sort of LASER scanning taking place at Transfagarasan.. Hmmmmmm. I will gladly eat my words if Simtraxx releases a scanned version of Transfagarasan.


And it is! One of the most famous roads in Europe scanned :) The task was not easy, because as in the mountains - the weather was sometimes capricious.

I've got a feeling this saga will end up having more twists and turns than the Transfăgărășan Highway itself.
I'm waiting for Brasov,that looks like great fun but no 25Euro fun...They told me new web is on the way and that tracks will be awaileble to buy one by one not whole pack...IMO that shold be an option long time ago...
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