Still waiting on that finished Portland track ....
I don't know, waiting years for tracks to be finished while knowing deep down that they'll probably never get finished... that's pretty dull.Never a dull moment with SimTraxx
they are probably just following their first semester business school handbook on stirring some attention before launching the new website under a slightly different name. So in essence they are trolling
I've got a feeling this saga will end up having more twists and turns than the Transfăgărășan Highway itself.This appears to be some sort of LASER scanning taking place at Transfagarasan.. Hmmmmmm. I will gladly eat my words if Simtraxx releases a scanned version of Transfagarasan.
And it is! One of the most famous roads in Europe scanned The task was not easy, because as in the mountains - the weather was sometimes capricious.
What do you mean 'start'..?They will start charging for unfinished tracks?